Chapter 12

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My heart stammers. Something tells me that whatever the doctor is about to do with me will not be good. Considering that president snow is involved.

"Follow me and we'll begin our inspections." He smiles down at me.

He leads me in a room and immediately gets to work. In the room there is a chair with a small scanning device hooked up to it. The device is hanging above it precariously and spins around slowly as he turns it on.

"Sit down in the chair and I'll begin the scan." He says.

Following his orders and scared senseless, I take a seat. I am horrified at what he's going to do. It apparently is serious enough to involve Snow. Daniel stands over at the edge of the room with his hands in his pockets.

The doctor flips a switch and the machine whirs to life. Scanning around my head. Up and down, left and right, in circles. It scans me quickly for 5 minutes, observing every part of my face as possible.

All of a sudden, the device stops and I sit up. On one of the walls, a 3D image of a brain appears. Not just any brain. My Brain.

It's weird, looking at my brain, the thing that gives me life, controls everything. It has pink spots, black spots, and even some blue spots. The doctor walks up and begins a thorough demonstration.

"The pink spots are the part of your brain that work. The black are the parts that don't." He begins.

"What about the blue?" I but in.

"Those are the parts that were currently active during the scan. Which of course, were your hearing, vision, and thought processes."

That's shocking, because half of my brain is blue...

"Now, we are focusing on the black parts. Down here," He points to a small black part below the left part, "Is the Broca's area." He says.

"It is currently black, when it should be pink. So that means that the part of your brain that controls speech is dead. It could have died at a young age, if you maybe hit your head, or you could have been born with it."

I was born with it. I've never been able to talk.

"So, the real question is... Can you fix it?" I ask

The doctor takes a breath, "I'm afraid not." He says.

He looks down, unable to face me while he says so. Suddenly, it all clicks. This is what their conversations was about in the bathroom. The president doesn't want to let my voice be fixed because it would 'make for better television'.

"You're lying." I glare at him coldly.

For some reason, I want him to pay for cooperating with Snow.

"Preposterous!" He feigns betrayal.

He's good.

Sadly, I decide to lay low and give up.

"Okay," I sigh, "I had just gotten so excited to finally hear my own voice..." I say acting upset. I hope that one hits his conscience.

He winces a little and continues on.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about your brain. Although it has been to known that certain parts of the brain wake up whenever something traumatic happens, so maybe your voice isn't forever lost."

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Come on Thomas, Let's get back so we can prepare you for interviews" Daniel says.

Quiescent. (A Hunger Games Fan Fiction.) (Under Editing.)Where stories live. Discover now