19 Here we go again

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I was eagerly awaiting the return of Andy, who went to go check on Dylan. It had been three hours already. CC came in to check on me and see how I was doing.
"Hey Chas." He said, there were tears in his eyes and I knew something wasn't right.
"What's wrong?" I said sitting up, only then did I realize that I was only seeing out of one eye, I reached my hand up to find that I had a piece of gauze over it.
"They go to her just in time Chas... she was... she was non-responsive when they got to her. She's in recovery right now."
"Where's Ashley?" I said trying to get up. CC walked over and lightly pushed me back into the bed.
"He's with Dylan. I'll go ask if you can visit yet." I just wanted to hug him and never let him go.
"Thank you CC, OH, and before you go, did anyone bring me clothes??"
"Yeah, I'll grab them for you really quick." He walked out of the room and tears flowed down my face. My best friend, the one I've known forever, almost said good-bye. I never want her to leave; I am a selfish person. But this is one thing I'm happy I was selfish about. The door opened and I quickly wiped my face.
"Hey..." Ashley said.
"Hey, are you okay?" I said sniffling. I pulled him into a hug. He broke down in my shoulder.
"Thank you so much Chastidy." I was confused, until I realized what he was talking about.
"You're welcome Ash, she means so much to the both of us, I couldn't just let her go."
"Here's your bag, when you get changed let me know and I'll take you to see Dylan."
"Thank you Ash." I gave him another quick hug, and then he left.
It was strange to stand up with only one Seeing Eye; it was like having a cat with half of its whiskers missing. After a very sad attempt of getting dressed, I walked into the hall to see a worried looking ash.
"Are you okay Chas?! I heard a whole bunch of thuds coming from your room."
"Yeah, just hard to get dressed and feel stable when you feel like a cat with out whiskers."
"Oh, yeah. That makes sense." We walked down the hall for a little bit and made a left turn and ended up in a hall with a few grey doors with a window next to each one. There lay my best friend in the third room on the right; I felt a tear run down my face. I needed her; she was the light of my day. It killed me to not see her. I turned to Ashley and asked, "Can I talk to her alone please? Just for a bit?"
"Yeah, of course." He hugged me and went back the way we came. I walked in the room and saw the truest terror a best friend could ever see, dark blue and purple bruises and cuts all the way down her arm. Dylan looked over at me, and I must've been white as a ghost because she put a hand over her mouth and started to sob. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand, not just so I could look at her cuts, but because I saved her life, there was no need for me to be sad, but she was literally my life, my family, my sister, Dylan Renee Loe was the person who knew everything about me, and I knew everything about her. She made me feel safe when I knew I wasn't.
I didn't realize how long I had sat there in the small chair next to her bed, but apparently it was long enough for Dylan to fall asleep still clutching my hand. I sat there for a few more minutes until Ashley came in, he looked at her and I saw sadness that couldn't be portrayed; she was his everything too.
"How did it go?"
"I didn't get a chance to talk to her."
"You me to tell me you've sat here for almost," he looked at his watch, "two and a half hours and didn't say anything to her?"
"There wasn't anything for me to say, Ash, we both just need to be in each others presence. It's how we get over things."
"Well I would've liked to talk to her before you bore her to sleep, Chas." He spat out my name like it was an insult.
"Well, Ash, I needed time that I've lost with her. I needed to have that back." I turned away from him and looked at my sleeping friend. I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand. And I whispered to her, "I love you sister." And slid my hand free from her death grip. Ashley walked past me and tried to take her hand but she pulled it back and rolled over. I snickered to myself. I felt bad for him I really did.
I walked into the private waiting room that the boys and their girlfriends have been staying in. I basically got mauled with hugs. CC, being the first to maul me, didn't feel like sharing; I rubbed his back and told him over and over that it was okay. I found it cute how I was tall enough for his 5'9 form to just barely have to stoop down to my 5'8. After he was done hugging me (and crying on me) he stood next to me and held my hand. And one by one my new friends and family came up to me. The last to come was Jinxx. I looked at CC and he looked at me. I let go of his hand and for the first time and 8 months I hugged Jinxx. He wept on my shoulder and kept saying I'm sorry over and over. I pulled away and looked him dead in the eye and said "Jeremy, it's okay. I promise. I'll be okay." And he smiled at me.

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