17 Please, i love you...

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today was the day... i'm not ready... i hate needles and surgery. Dylan had to leave before my surgery but promised too be there when i woke up. i wanted her there, she makes me feel safe...but at least CC would be there, that's the only thing that kept me from having a panic attack, but all i know is that he isn't the one for me... i think i loved him because i was going through a rough time, but now that i'm over it... i don't know. i have a strange feeling that things'll change for me... but i don't know how, i'm thinking that leaving with out being noticed would be the best... yeah, that's it, i'll leave. i'm a burden- "Chastidy Joy?" the nurse called. i looked at CC one last time, kissed his lips and walked away.

just want to say everyone out there who feels like a burden, you're not! i'll love you no matter who you are, or what you do, i think you're beautiful! lots of love fallen 8-4-14

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