get out of my head but then again, dont

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Daniella slapped the ground in frustration as she fell off the balance beam for the third time. The Olympics officially starts in 3 days and her team events starts 4 days after and Daniella didn't want to be the reason why the US women's gymnastics team loses the chance to win gold.

She would also have to perfect her floor and beam routine for her individual events. Daniella couldn't seem to get one certain guy out of her mind. 

"Daniella why don't you take 5." Stacey, her coach yelled out. She groaned and but still complied. "What is with you today? You're not yourself... If you can't do it, I might have to call a replacement for the US team ."

Daniella pulled her water away from here. "I just have a lot on my mind, but I swear I'll be focused and working harder then ever."

"Don't disappoint me. I would hate it if you're not on the podium."

She nodded her head and tossed her head back.   Fucking Lochte, why do you have to be everywhere! But then again, his smile is mesmerizing, and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. He can make a person that's upset, happy all over again. Daniella really did like him.

"What's wrong with you." Simone sat down next to her, and wrapped her hands again.

"I like Lochte." Daniella blurted out all of a sudden. The words came pouring out of her mouth and she couldn't do anything to stop it. Simone paused at what she was doing, and stared at her with wide eyes.

"What did you just say!" She squealed. "You have to tell him!"

The girls in the gym all stared in confusion at Simone's sudden excitement. Simone seemed to have noticed their expression and started giving them information about what had just happened. "DANIELLA LIKES LOCHTE!"

Daniella shot the tiny girl a look. "Simone! I can't believe you."

Stacey smirked at her. "Is that why you haven't been focusing?"

"Ye– no..."

"Get back to practice." Daniella rushed back to the beam.

"Finally you confessed your feelings." Gabby laughed while warming up.

"Get back to work."

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