Chapter Two: "Uh, hi..again"

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"She's so damn pretty, Anya! And she's studying medicine...which means she's smart. And she has these really blue eyes-"

"You have known this girl for less than five minutes and you're already whipped" My best friend smirked, cutting me off as she sipped at her strawberry milkshake. I glared at her, drinking some of my own water.

"I'm not whipped, she's just cute. It's probably nothing anyway" I mumbled, twirling my fingers as I replayed my conversation with the sky eyed girl. I heard Anya groan in response.

"Oh my god you have spent the past half hour raving about this girl just ask her out already before I shoot myself" She fake cried  into her arms while I rolled my eyes before leaving a few dollars on the table and standing up, seeing I had a text from Octavia before shoving my phone into my front pocket.

"I gotta get back, Octavia mentioned something about going out later and I still have a lot to unpack, see you soon?" I half questioned, knowing we'd see each other in at least two days anyway. She nodded while pulling out a notebook, saying she had work to do. But just as I was walking away, she grabbed my wrist and looked up at me.

"Lex...don't get your heartbroken by this blonde girl okay? You've been through a lot, you need to get used to things again" She bit her lip in concern. I pecked her forehead, knowing what she was talking about

"I won't. And it's like you said, I've only known her five minutes. Besides, maybe a relationship is what I need- that's normal. Bye Anya" I bid her farewell before walking out of the café, pulling out my phone again as I walked down the busy streets of the city I had grown up in, the new experience of independent college life was made easier by being in my hometown.


Hey, there's a party tonight off campus. You in?


I don't know, maybe. I have a lot to do :-/


Well then get your ass back to the room then so I can spend the next three hours convincing you to go.

I laughed at my roommates playful antics. Or at least half playful, I was pretty certain that she actually was going to spend the afternoon listing the reasons why I should attend this party. I was never really the party type, I never even had a large group of friends. Just a few people like Anya, my godmother Indra, and then also my little brother Aden. But Octavia seemed to know more people than I could count, with more connections through her older brother than I could believe.

I bit my lip as I debated with myself about whether or not I should go, attempt to meet new people. But trusting people wasn't exactly my specialty, although, this did seem like a nice group. And then there was Clarke. The blonde haired beauty with eyes bluer every ocean, lake or sky anywhere. Someone had me completely intrigued after nothing more than a short, less than five minute meeting- half of which I spent on the phone to Anya.

I was still thinking about this damn party and Clarke when I walked into my dorm room, eyes locked on my phone screen as I replied to texts from Aden, who was telling me how he was a mixture of excited, nervous and confident about the regionals for his martial arts competition. I say martial arts- it's proper fighting. He even does a weapons category. Indra was equally reluctant to let him do it, but amused since it had been what I had done growing up- even holding the National Record. Aden, however, was excelling beyond his age group. He also looked up to some college boy trainer. But was determined to beat him in a fight (which he had on one occasion he had told me).

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