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All rights go to Rick Riordan and Marvel. The cover picture was taken from

HoO/Avengers Prologue

The king of the giants, the bane of Zeus, was the last giant left. Smoldering craters and a dusting of golden powder were the only remains of the 10,000-strong army of monsters. None of the monsters remained, thanks to the Seven and a small army of Cyclopes, harpies, Pegasi, and various automatons from Hephaestus. Porphyrion shrieked as the full, combined might of Ares, Poseidon, Zeus, Artemis, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, and Percy attacked him. In the end he was no match for the eight powerful beings.

The gods had personally helped in the war, but with Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood in a standoff with each other, the Seven of the Prophesy were the only demigods on the battlefield.

Piper had become very talented with Katropis, though for most of the battle she just sweet-talked the monsters into happily killing each other. Leo had turned into the human torch and run straight into the army of monsters, using hammers from his tool belt to brain any monster within range. A brilliant blue dragon had trampled at least a thousand monsters, before turning into a weasel and getting lost in the wave of enemies. Hazel Levesque had mounted Arion, and she used her cavalry sword to cut down as many fiends as she could reach. She would occasionally manipulate the monster's armor to crush the creature inside, or to smash a couple of monsters together. Arion cussed out any monster that could understand horse. The blonde-haired, son of Jupiter, Jason Grace, had called down lightning -and occasionally mounted an eagle or Tempest- to destroy the enemy from above.

The last two of the Seven stood back-to-back as they stabbed, slashed, hacked, and jabbed at the monstrous army. They were nearly invincible together, fighting in a whirlwind as if they could tell where their partner would move, and knew where every strike was coming from. From above you couldn't tell which person was which, just blurs and a flash of golden hair. The only time they separated was when a hurricane occasionally engulfed the taller of the two. That one seemed to be a better fighter than the other, though the shorter one could predict the attacks better and was wicked in close range.
Along with their intense, non-stop fighting, these two warriors had commanded the small army allied with the Olympians. Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson, the survivors of Tartarus, were a beautiful and deadly force. Their prowess contested even Ares, but if anyone mentioned that, they'd be skewered by a certain war god.
The battle lasted about 3 hours, which, if you have ever swung a sword, you know is an impossibly long time. As the battle came to an end, a horrible, inchor-curdling screech was heard. Even the gods, who were currently battling the giants, froze in their fights. They continued in their war, but they all felt a darkness in their hearts, knowing that one of the Seven was about to travel to Elysium, and, being locked in their combat as they were, they were powerless to help.

Jason heard the scream and was almost beheaded by a Dracnae as he felt his heart drop beneath Hades. He recovered just barely in time, and his rage was so great that he simply obliterated everything in between him and the source of the screech. The Dracnae didn't have time to yelp.
When he reached the site of the horror, he lurched forward and fell to his knees. He barely realized that Leo had gotten there before him and was violently guarding a circle around the person he had hoped he would never see like this.
"Piper..." he breathed out.
Because that was the fallen warrior, in a gathering pool of blood, stabbed through the chest with a javelin. Jason heard a Dracnae shout with glee, "I got her! The daughter of Aphrodite is dead because of me!" right before she was simultaneously fried by a fireball and electrocuted with 100,000 volts.
The daughter of Aphrodite's eyes fluttered as she responded to the voice of the guy she loved so much.
"Piper NO!" Jason pleaded. "We can fix this, just stay awake. WE NEED SOME AMBROSIA OVER HERE!"
But he knew that not even the food of the gods could save his Pipes.
"I love you...Jason Grac-" and her last breath was cut off as the daughter of love faded in the blood-streaked arms of her boyfriend.
Jason couldn't stop the tears that fell onto her face as he wept for everything they went through, the war she had died fighting in, and most of all, the beautiful lives they could have together, and the endless possibilities that were snuffed out buy a single blade.
Jason didn't feel the hard ground beneath him, he didn't hear the clangs around him slowly come to a stop or the great Porphyrion's scream of defeat, and he didn't notice when the five other demigods surrounded him. He sat silently as his dreams of a peaceful life with Piper at Camp Half-Blood crumbled around him.
He finally noticed them when their tears hit the ground around him, and the auras of the gods made him look up.
"Th-the war is over?" he asked, his voice cracking.
"Almost, young victor," said Hera. "But your part is finished, your quest is complete. You have won."

Do you guys like it? I have the next couple of chapters written, but I want to know if this is any good. Please comment, constructive criticism is welcome!!

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