Chapter 2: Powers

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Chapter 2: Powers~~~~~~~~~~~

It had been two years since the six had become immortal. The effects of the war had finally worn off, for most of them.
Annabeth had designed and created homes for all of them in Olympus, along with small temples. They all thought this was beyond weird, but, because of Percy's request after the Titian war, all minor gods had to be recognized on Olympus.
They also had to have a cabin at Camp Half-Blood, but that was too weird to even talk about, and none of them were in a position to need one, if you know what I mean.

Hazel and Frank resided permanently on Olympus, but Annabeth and Percy preferred to stay at Camp Half-Blood. Jason had been almost forced by the others to take back his spot as Praetor. They knew that he would have spent the rest of his immortal life moping about Piper. Jason told them all about wanting to become Greek, but when Piper died, there was no way he could go back to Camp Half-Blood and they all knew it.

Leo had gone off-the-charts a week after he became immortal, but had IM-ed them frequently. He'd apparently been with a girl, but he wouldn't tell the others who. Percy--and, as a result, Annabeth--had a pretty good idea of who he was looking for.

Annabeth had also built Nico a house (which was more like a dungeon), but he preferred the underworld. He often visited Jason, their grim friendship strengthened by common loss. Nico had also become closer to Reyna. Apparently lugging a giant, gold statue of Athena across the world was a bonding exercise. Who knew? Due to his friendship with both Praetors, he was much more welcome in Camp Jupiter.

Percy had been appointed camp director in Mr. D's stead, much to everybody's relief. Mr D. had been allowed to leave after the Giant War, Zeus finally being merciful on the demigods. So, naturally, the Hero of Olympus was chosen, and he couldn't refuse, especially when he saw the other options (you don't even want to know, but lets just say the furies weren't last on that list).

Today, Percy was teaching his noon swordplay class with cabin 11. It was his favorite class, reminding him of his own first week at camp.
That first week was when he had finally learned his powers, and his potential. Now, he was doing the same, all over again.
How minor gods discover their new powers and realms is a long and complicated story. But Percy had found that he was the minor god of Swordplay, Tropical storms, and, to a lesser extent, Loyalty. He still had all of his 'Son of Poseidon' powers too. Though he enjoyed his new powers, he felt like a water balloon. One puncture, or if he's stretched a little too far, he might burst. He did not want to know what that would look like.
Anyway, Percy was demonstrating to the Hermes kids the proper way to lunge with a two-hand sword, when Chiron galloped into the sword area to summon him to the big house.

Percy left the class in the good hands of Clarisse (wait...what?), and trotted after Chiron.
Percy had been worried all morning because Annabeth hadn't shown up for his swordplay class. She hadn't missed one yet. They were rarely apart, never for more than a few hours, but today he hadn't seen her since breakfast.

This summons had only confirmed his fears that something was wrong. He knew he shouldn't have let her out of his sight! Ok, that was a bit overprotective, but you can't blame the guy, this is one of the longest times they've been apart since the war!
"Don't worry," Chiron said catching his worried gaze, "Annabeth is fine. But she does have some bad news."


In the main room of the big house, Percy stared at Annabeth with his jaw hanging open. Chiron was still in centaur form, though he had to stoop to avoid the ceiling. His brow was furrowed and his eyes showed his wary understanding.

Percy hated that look.

"Come again?" said Percy when his mouth started working.
Annabeth sighed and explained, "The gods, well actually just one goddess," she said with slight disdain, "Want me to go on a quest to investigate some weird people in Europe. And I have to go. For 10 months. Alone."

And that was the part that tripped Percy up.
He couldn't go with her.
"But we haven't been, y'know... apart... at night, for two years!" protested Percy, quite awkwardly due to Chiron's presence.
Annabeth looked down, her worry showing through.
"I know, and we still don't have to separate. We can both Travel, so it shouldn't be a problem," she said hopefully.
'Travel' referred to the flash-and-burn-anyone-who's-looking teleportation used by the gods. Except, in the case of minor gods, it didn't actually kill anyone.
"Still...." said Percy, not convinced. But he took a deep breath.
"I know you have to go. And I hope you have fun on your quest. I'll see you every night, right?"
"Absolutely," she confirmed, her curls bobbing. Annabeth gave him one last, lingering kiss, and was gone with a wink.

Hey guys!! Oh my gosh 200 hundred reads!!!!! Thank you all so much. This chapter is kind of a filler and its not very interesting, sorry. Next chapter is pretty cool though :) Thanks to everyone who voted or commented! If I made any mistakes don't be afraid to tell me! Please comment and vote! The more you do, the faster I'll post!!! <3

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