Chapter 3: Collision

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I'm switching to 1st person now, sorry.
Also, I'm going by the Marvel movies, not the comic books. So Natalia is Natasha, and their backstories are way simpler :)

Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I grumbled as I walked through the stark white halls of the Avenger's tower. My expression didn't show it, but I was a little ticked that Fury had just interrupted my target practice. Fury had given me a mission, one that involved almost all of the Avengers.

That mission, I was now relaying through my comms unit to the Avengers who actually used earpieces or could be reached by Jarvis. That just left Thor to be contacted individually. Great.
At least we weren't using the Hulk for this mission, we didn't want anyone to get hurt.

And that was my problem with this mission.
It was potentially very dangerous to civilians, and it was all for just one person! Obviously our target was very special, and I honored Fury's judgement, but the entire team?

Fury had given us little more than a picture and a physical description. The picture seemed to be from a high school yearbook, which was strange. S.H.E.I.L.D had current records on everybody, so why wasn't his picture recent? I considered the fact that he could actually still be in high school, but Fury described him as tall and highly muscled, which was NOT what most high schoolers were like.

Therefore, I assumed he had somehow avoided S.H.E.I.L.D. If that was the case, I was very impressed.
We had tabs on almost every single person on the planet.
We had stacks of files on every single person.
Either this man was a trained criminal, or Fury was hiding something. Something bigger than usual.

Also, Fury had provided little reason for apprehending him, except that he was a danger to the world.
For some reason, this meant Fury wanted to consider him as an addition to the Avengers.
I mean, I understand the 'keep you enemies close' philosophy, but our team was elite!
We weren't just dangerous criminals, we were trained assassins and heroes! If this new guy is added to our team, I hope he's whatever he does.

If he's another Tony Stark, I swear I'll quit the team.


I breathed in. Exhale.
I was tense, very tense.
After Annabeth had announced her news, Chiron had gotten a message from the gods saying potential friends would contact me soon. I was to pass judgement on the 'friends' thing when I met them.

Until further notice, I was released from my duties as Camp director so I could deal with this threat. And the gods had assured me, the people I would meet were a threat.
So to recap, I thought, I'm supposed to decide whether or not to be friends with people who can possibly hurt me or my family. Being a god didn't make your life any less weird apparently.

Currently, I was sitting in Central Park at The Lake. I was relaxing on a grassy slope dotted with trees. It had become a favorite hangout place for Annabeth and I. Annabeth liked it because we passed a bunch of statues on the way there. I liked it because it was a big lake, duh! And it wasn't too far from my apartment so we could say 'hi' to my mom, and sometimes she and Paul would join us.
But now I was alone. And still nervous. When are these people gonna show?!

Wait a sec.... Do you know that feeling when you start reading, or in my case fall asleep, and a while later you look up and everyone that was around you is gone? And then you start panicking, wondering if you missed something? It was with that feeling that I realized the entire Park was empty.

A few minuets ago the park had been full of people. Now, everyone seemed to have vanished.

Despite what my friends will tell you, I'm not completely stupid. I did realize that this sudden vacancy was due to the possible friends I was supposed to meet. Now I was really nervous. What kind of connections or power did they have that could empty out Central Park? I was almost positive now that this would lead to a fight. My fingers instinctively found Riptide in my pocket.

But my anxiety soon doubled when 3 people walked silently up behind me. Then, with trained precision, they surrounded me in a half-circle with the lake on the other side.
I couldn't see them due to their position behind me, but I stood and whirled around as I sensed them.

My jaw dropped.
Whatever I had been expecting, it wasn't this.


"Tony, is the sky clear and covered?" Natasha's voice resounded in my ear.

"Nothing is approaching, target is in sight, and I'm not dead. So, yeah. All systems go." I replied as I finished my scan of my surroundings.
I looked down upon the grasses of Central Park and the glittering lake at which our target sat.

We had taken an agency car to the Park, which was an awkward car ride I can tell you. We couldn't take a nice helicopter because Natasha said it was "unnecessary for short distances."
We had parked a block away and split up from there.
I had taken to the skies and Hawkeye had gone who-knows-where to get a better view of the ambush. Within shooting range, of course.

I watched as Steve, Natasha, and Thor stalked towards our target. I wasn't close enough to see the now-surrounded man clearly, but I could make out my team in their signature uniforms.

Through my earpiece, I could hear their conversation.
"You're Perseus Jackson?" Natasha asked, but it sounded like a statement.
"Please call me Percy," our target said in agreement. "How do you know me?"
"We work for the government," answered Captain America.
I snorted to my self. Me working for the government, yeah right!

I couldn't see Percy's face from my aerial view, but his silence seemed surprised. I suppose we don't exactly look like government officials, do we?
"The government...." he said in slight wonder. "What do you want with me?"
"We have noted your suspicious activity," started Steve. Actually, all we knew was that he was a threat. "And we need to detain you for questioning."
"Detain me?" Percy asked. His voice indicated that he thought this was ridiculous.
That made me curious more than anything else. Obviously I had tried to access his files from the S.H.E.I.L.D. database, but they didn't seem to exist. All I had to go on was the information Fury gave us. This man was certainly intriguing.

"Yes, and we will use force if necessary," threatened Cap in response to Percy's previous question.
I could hear a snuffling noise that sounded like barely controlled laughter!
"This guy is getting on my nerves. Let's show him what we got," I said, getting bored of diplomacy.

Natasha gave it one more shot, "This is you last warning."
"I decline your generous offer," Percy said snarkily.
"You were warned," Thor boomed, speaking for the first time.
His words seemed to create one drawn-out second of silence.

Then we attacked.
I zoomed down farther to get a better look at the fight.
Natasha started off, hoping to make this a quick encounter. She was facing him straight-on, making him a solid target.

Her right foot was aimed for his left underarm (Natasha's right). Had her move worked, she would have followed through by lifting her left foot as soon as she made contact. Her left heel would have caught him in the pelvis as she twisted her body horizontally in the air. His sandwiched torso would have thudded to the grass with the rest of him. Natasha would've pinned him in one move and landed in a push-up position on the ground.

But it didn't happen like that.

Instead, Percy jumped backwards, grabbed Natasha's lightning-fast foot, and jerked her forward onto her face.

I faltered in my flight, but I quickly recovered. Apparently the rest of my team had also gotten over their shock, and we all struck.

My repulsor fired and I watched as Thor threw his hammer at Percy's chest. Captain launched his shield, and I saw an arrow approaching Percy's left side.
All at once.

But somehow, Percy wasn't a mutilated smear. He spun out of the way of my repulsor and ducked under Thor's speeding hammer. He straightened up, only to do a baseball slide under Captain's shield.
Hawkeye's arrow had been aimed for his leg, as far as I could tell, and it probably would have hit him even in his prone position. Suddenly, Percy turned his body so he was facing the arrow. I thought he was hit for sure.
Instead, he deflected it with a metal... thing he had quickly produced in the hand that wasn't sandwiched against the ground.

I was stunned. In just a few movements he had avoided all of our attacks.
Natasha had since rolled forward and recovered. Now she hung back, analyzing the threat.
Percy's eyes almost glowed with ferocity as he took up a defensive position. He didn't seem surprised that he had dodged our attacks, but his eyes showed a kind of curiosity behind the fire.

This was the first time I'd gotten a good look at him, and I was surprised at what I saw. He looked to be about 18. He had tousled, jet black hair and vivid green eyes. He face was actually fairly handsome with muddy smears across it.
Jarvis scanned him and reported that he was 6'1" and a weight around 175 pounds. He had about 5% body fat and was quite muscled. He was pretty much in perfect condition.

As I sized up Percy, Hawkeye had come out of hiding and the five of us were lined up, facing our target. Thor decided to be the first to challenge him.
"You are powerful," boomed Thor as he stalked forward. "I am better."

He charged and whipped his hammer around, going for the uppercut. I winced in my helmet as I prepared for the inevitable crunch as it hit Percy's face.
It never came.

Percy had rolled under the strike and popped up on Thor's right side. He was holding what I had now identified as a sword.
Thor was too slow to block the hand strike that came at the place where his arm met his shoulder blade.
He dropped his hammer, and spun with the momentum from Percy's chop. He faced Percy, who kicked him in the chest and threw the Thunder God back 25 yards.

"How can he do that?!" I shouted at Jarvis.
"His perceived muscle mass is insufficient to propel Thor that far. His strength must be enhanced by some other method," Jarvis responded.
"His strength is abnormal, guys. Could be a mutant or something. Watch out," I warned my team. They nodded in understanding as we watched Thor recover and charge at Percy. He had neglected to retrieve his hammer.

"Yaaaahhhh," bellowed Thor as he brought his fist around to connect with nothing.
Percy had jumped and used his adversary's head as a vault. He twisted in midair, as if he'd practiced this, and bashed the hilt of his sword against the Asguardian's skull. Thor was out cold.

Percy stepped over his body and glared at us. It was so sudden and intense that even Natasha and Clint flinched.
"Who's next?"

On a scale of 1-10 how much Percabeth do you want in this story?
Yay! This chapter is really long; blame it on the long car ride! I'm a little disturbed at how vividly I imagined the fight scene. If there's any part of it that wasn't clear to you, just comment!

Now that thanksgiving break is over, my schedule is going to change. I'm not sure how it'll work, but I'll probably post a chapter every other weekend. Unless I don't get much homework....

Thanks for 300 reads!!
Happy reading!! Please comment and vote!!!!!!

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