the rangers

70 6 3

Langston:yes you can you can run away crying after we tell you this you are so ugly that one direction looked the other direction

Sky:umm that's okay that how you fell about me going in the house crying

Langston: and bitch my names langston

Julian: that girl will be OK

Day day :if she don't I don't care

Frank:she just moved here and she got a butty

Cj:you tell us when she walked in

(Going back to Langston's house)

Lang: I'm board you want to go to that girls house

Day day:we just made her cry nigga


Day day :we can mess with her tomorrow


Langston: yo look out the window and look at her body

(All boys)
licking there lips mmmm

Back to sky)
So I just got out the shower after I stoked crying I was outing on my parties I can fell when some body is looking at me then I saw that boy and his crow what is his name o Langston then I looked and shucked my head then close my window and went to sleep

Being Bullied By the RangersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora