at school

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Sky :I was making my way to school and I was walking then I saw Blue Dodge Charger with the rangers name on the back window then how did I known that it was Langston and his friends but it was only 3 of them in there that was cj Frank
And spotlight as I make it to the school I ran a little to the door then I made it in side I was looking at the map a ran right in to them when I looked at them to see it was day day and Julian after that the rest of the crew came up be hind me then they pushed me agents the locker then they started biting there lips then Langston came in front of me and said you that you can get away from us *holding her up in the lockers and graded it and put it around him then he got closer and said when you go to the work out room you going to see *slapping her butty*
Me:stop do that to your girl friend
*Boys laughing*
Me :*walking way slowly then they all started slapping my butt (running faster )

Being Bullied By the RangersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang