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Kol's Pov :
I wake up and gasping  for air . Finally I am breathing fine and I look around the room and im shocked at what I see. I see the one and only Caroline Forbes. Wait but why did she bring me back ? After all her friends did to kill me . I ask myself .Why would she bring me back when they worked so hard to kill me?

"Welcome back from the dead buddy."
She said

"Hello darling well isn't this a pleasure."
I said
"Here put this on ill explain on the way ."
She said and handeed me clothes.
I grabbed them and quickly change. We then entered the bar ohh how I miss this place the most . The bartender came and asked " what will you have today?"
"Bourbon please."
She said. " I'll be needing an Id please ."  The bartender said . Then caroline did something I thought she would never do. She compelled her.  Something has changed about her. I just don't know what.
"Same ."
I said 
"Coming right up ."
The bartender said
"Okay so why did you bring me back. I thought you hated me."
I finally said. She turns to face me .

"Oh noooo I never hated you . So here's the thing I turned off my humanity. And every body is trying to make me turn it back on . "
My jaw dropped but I quickly recovered.  When i realized what she had just said .  How could Caroline turn off her humanity. She was always happy but now I guess she could be Fun I'll just have to wait and find out.
"Ahh  you turned the switch . Well I still don't know why this involves me darling."
I say
"It was so boaring doing things alone so I thought why not bring back the  one and only Kol Mikaelson back from the dead .
She said
"Ahh now thats the spirit. "
I said.

~1 year later~

Bonnie's Pov:
It's been 1 year since we last seen Caroline we are still trying to find her . We have been tracking the dead bodies everywhere . We tried doing a locater spell but nothing . It's like the ground ate her . We are all really worried so many things in my head like [ is she hurt,where is she ,is she okay, ] so many things in my head right now.

Kol's Pov :
It's been 1 year that im back and me and Caroline became partners in crime . She is really fun to be around but I still don't know why she turned off her humanity. I love this fun Caroline but I know it will hurt her even worst if she gets back her humanity.
"So tell me why you turn it off? Just be careful when you tell me we wouldn't want you to turn it on would we now darling"
I said
"My mom died."
She said a tear came down her soft cheek. I did it she's back.

Caroline's Pov

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. No I can't feel .it just hurts .
Then I feel kol's hand on my cheek .
"Why did she have to die kol ? "
I asked
"I don't darling."
He said as he huged me .

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