Chapter 2

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There are times in life where you lose touch with the present. Feelings cloud your judgment and you wonder if your dreaming of shit just got real.

And right now was definitely one of those moments.

"Miss. Small, Mr. Miller I've had enough disturbances for one class"

"Detention, both of you!"

The words were in my head but I guess they weren't really registering.

I blinked once. Twice. Thrice. But the eyes directed at the back of the class were still present, Ms. James still had an angry scrowl on her face with her marker pointed at us and the clock above the whiteboard still read 1:53.

Shit just real!

I guess my occasionally malfunctioning brain finally registered this. This wasn't a dream, I really had detention and with Ethan Miller.

Well because of that damn asshole!

My body suddenly felt hotter and I'm pretty sure my breathing at the moment would be scary to most. I was mad as hell is what I was and if breathing like a dragon would keep me from punching Ethan's face in then fuck it!

I turned to look at him and pierced him with a harsh glare.

If looks could kill,I thought.

He sat frozen,eyes wide and stared at me his mouth hanging open like a dead fish.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" I said under my breath but I'm pretty sure he heard if him inching his chair a little away from me was any indication.

I begrudgingly turned my attention to the front of the class trying to get the rest of what Ms. James was saying, as hard as that proved to be.

The bell rang a couple minutes later signaling the end of class and immediately students started filing out of the classroom. I don't know when or even how Ethan left because I didn't see him.

Like the bell literally just rang and all I heard was some shuffling and saw a flash of red. I guess he's near shitting himself right now which is good because I wasn't joking about me going to kill him.

I don't know how yet but I swear I will. I hate him enough as it is and now he got me a detention. I ain't taking that, strike three bitch!

Truth is I wasn't all that upset about getting a detention seeing how it was just one detention and it wasn't like I made it a habit of getting detentions but mainly the fact that I was gonna catch a ride with Tiff and Shannon today instead of Ethan. But since I had detention today I was forced to be stuck with Ethan once again seeing as I didn't have a car and I sure as hell wasn't gonna walk. Plus it was a Friday!




I glanced at my phone and noticed the time,3:13. Detention starts at 3:30 which gives me some time before I had to go. School ends at 3 and currently I was sitting in an empty classroom with Tiffany and Shannon giving them the information about how I have ended up in this predicament and also killing time. They had agreed to wait with me until detention starts and I was thankful because I don't know what I would've done otherwise seeing how it is a Friday and most people had plans and such.

Tiffany was busy dancing away much to the amusement of us two because she was literally the worse dancer. I remember once we went to this party and she got so drunk and decided that it would be fun to give Alec,the party host, a lap dance. Safe to say it did not hell and we convinced her never to do it ever again. In public at least.

The time was winding down but I was trying hard to ignore it. Like I really wish I didn't have detention today,thinking about it literally makes me wanna cry.

It was finally 3:30 and I said a very tearful goodbye to my friends and dragged my feet to room 22,the detention center.

There we only five people there including Ethan when I arrived. The good thing about this detention was that I didn't have to write some stupid essay about being sorry about whatever the hell I got detention for,which was a good thing because I wouldn't know what to write because I didn't do anything in the first place. We couldn't use our phones though or any other gadget which sucked because if you've ever been stuck in a room for 45 minutes doing absolutely nothing you'd know how boring it is.

I went up to the teacher's desk and signed my name in the book. I guess it was to ensure that whoever got detention actually came.

The children were a little spread out in the classroom which I think was by teacher's orders to ensure they wouldn't communicate,although they weren't really far away.

The teacher assigned was a wrinkly old fellow and he sat with his nose deep in a book and his glasses creeping down the tip of his nose. I didn't know really since he didn't teach me or anything but I suppose he was just some old school dude who didn't know the meaning or retirement. Not to be rude or anything but damn,look at him!. He's probably pushing 70.

I took a seat near the window although there wasn't anything to see really then opened my bag and took out my Calculus book.
Might as well do my homework.

Ethan's POV

I watched as Rhayanna entered the classroom and went up to sign her name at the teacher's desk. I wish I wasn't late to stupid class and I didn't run my mouth so much. Damn.

It's been established between us two that we hate each other. Well she hates me, I mean personally I don't really hate her although she's always successful in pissing me off.

I watched her as she took her seat beside the window. If there was some way I could get her out of detention today I would honestly as much of a nuisance as she was most of the time.

I ripped a piece of paper out of my notebook and scribbled on it:

I'm sorry Rhae.

I made sure that old guy wasn't looking then threw it at her. It landed on her opened notebook and she wrinkled her face as she looked around before unfolding the note.

Her eyes met mine a minute later and she gave me a quizzical look before rolling her eyes and returned to what she was doing.

I know it was a long shot but still.
I wanted her to forgive me,it was different when she hated me for no reason but now,now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.


I watched the clock continuously for the rest of the session,every second and every minute until 4:15 finally came.

I stepped outside the school,the doors banging shut behind me and made my way to the parking lot. I spotted my blue Mazda near the entrance which wasn't hard to do since the parking lot was next to empty. I left Rhayanna inside,doing what I don't know but I had no choice but to wait for her although if her glares towards me in detention were any indication she wasn't too excited about being stuck in a car with me. Not long after I saw her coming and as she got in the I drove out of the parking lot and onto the main road heading home.

Soo chapter two is up guys, please vote and comment I'd really appreciate it.. I know these chapters are uneventful and short but it'll get better. Promise👌

Picture above is Taylour Paige who plays Rhayanna Small

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