Chapter 4

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I abandoned Laurel and pushed my way through the crowd hot fury pumping through my veins. I don't know what it is but something about the way Mike had his grimy disgusting hands on Rhae's body didn't sit right with me. In fact it pissed me the hell off.

Upon reaching them I latched onto Rhae's hand and yanked her from his embrace.

She stumbled into my arms her hands hanging unto me for support. Clearly she'd had too much to drink.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" I spat at him and held unto Rhae to steady her.

"Whooah,chill dude. Stop being such a cockblocker." He replied and actually had the audacity to smirk at me.

I pushed Rhayanna behind me and raised my right hand, the sound of my fist making contact with his face could be heard loud and clear and less than a minute later blood started gushing from his nose.

By now everyone's attention was on us,everyone that wasn't passed out that is.
Even the music had been taken down a knotch.

Surprisingly after probably breaking his nose I didn't feel an ounce of satisfaction or even sympathy for the fucker.

"Don't let me tell you again. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. Her." I warned menacingly.

I stepped away from him ready to leave this disaster of a party with Rhae but when I turned she was sprawled out on the floor.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I cursed under my breath as I bent down and scooped her up in my arms and made my way outside in search of my car.

I opened the door and placed Rhae in the passenger seat then locked it and went back inside.

The party had kind of died down which was weird since Chad's parties usually ran pretty late but not surprising because of what just happened.

I made my way to the kitchen and riffled through  the drawers in search of paperbags. I had been here before so I had an idea where they were. After I found them I grabbed two for Rhae just in case.

When I reached back outside and in the car Rhae was still fast asleep in the passenger seat.

I reached around the backseats and felt for a blanket since I usually had them in the car for Abby. I grabbed one and spread it over her so she wouldn't catch a chill.

She looked so peaceful as she slept,her long lashes brushing against her soft cheeks, her arm wrapped around her slender frame and those lush full lips in a cute little pout.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and forced eyes off her then started the car.

Not once in the drive home did she stir. By now it was now nearing 2:00 am and as I drove up in the doorway I wondered how the hell we were gonna get in.

Our curfew was way gone now and there was no way either of my parents would let us in. I mean they would but that had grounded spelt all over it.

Normally when I came home late I would sneak in through my bedroom window but I'd foolishly locked it when I left earlier.

The only option was Rhae'a room. Since it was structured like mine we should be able to get in through the window.

If it was open that was.

I left her in the car once again and went to check. I climbed up the side of the house where her room was and braced my hand against the window. Mercifully it was flew open. 

I jumped inside,closed the window and tiptoed downstairs hoping that I didn't run into any of my parents on the way. I didn't though which made me think the Gods were really smiling down at me.

The wind bit at my skin but I ignored it as I went back to the car. I locked it up,wrapped the blanket tighter around a still sleeping Rhae and made my way back inside and to her room.

I removed her shoes and tucked her in before going back downstairs.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and two aspirins for her. God how she's gonna feel like shit in the morning.

Worse of all she's gonna wanna know what happened.

I placed the bottle of water and the pills on her bedside table and decided to stay for awhile in case she woke up since she was sleeping so long.

She looked so peaceful, Angelic even and I suddenly had the urge to place a kiss on her lips. They seemed to be mocking me;open,pink and perfect.

I mentally slapped myself for having those thoughts and towards Rhayanna no less. I went to leave,deciding that maybe staying a little wasn't the best idea but I made the mistake of glancing at her once more  before doing so and that was my undoing because this time I couldn't help myself.

I leaned down a placed a feather light kiss on her lips and whispered goodnight in her ear although I know she wouldn't hear me.

Throwing caution to the wind I got in the bed beside her and wrapped her up in my arms.

She still didn't stir and I was thankful beside if she was to question me I wouldn't know what to say.

I must've been more tired than I thought because the next thing I knew I was waking up to an ear splitting scream and a light sneaking in through the blinds.

I know this is really really short and uneventful but that's because it's kind of a filler chapter.

Vote and comment,Kat

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