The suprise

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I wake the next morning to sunlight slipping through the window, i look around wondering why the maids have not come to get me ready for the day yet, it must be past 10. I roll over to find maxon still in bed as well, he reads a book.
"Don't worry darling, you haven't overslept." I push myself up and sit next to him.
"Why, i must ask, are we sleeping in on a thursday?" He smiles as he flips a page in his book and sets it down.
"I have given you the day off." He states,
"Well that's very kind of you but why?"
"No need to worry about that." he looks at the clock, "I should be getting back soon," he looks at me, his face full of happiness, "I've given Lucy the day off as well, she should be here soon with breakfast for the two of you, you have my orders to stay in bed all morning and relax. Early afternoon there is a surprise coming for you, i'll send a guard for you once it arrives." He kisses my forehead. "I'll see you soon."
"Thank you Maxon." i tell him before he leaves. He leans down and touches his lips to mine,
"Anything for you my dear." He then leaves the room. I smile, curious as to what kind of gift would require the whole day off. My thoughts are stopped with lucy walking into the room, hands full of pastries and berries.
"Good morning, lady America." she sets the food on the table and climbs into the bed,
"Morning Miss Lucy." She smiles, we eat ourselves full of pancakes topped with syrup and whipped cream. Lucy is thankful as well for the day off and i couldn't have asked for better company. We laugh throughout the whole morning. Around 12 she forces me to put on a dress, she braids my hair with her fragile fingers then touches up my makeup, until i look presentable to be seen as queen. There's a light knock on the door and Lucy,  slipping into old habits, jumps to answer. It's a guard,
"Your Majesty, the king has requested you in the front foyer." I smile,
"Thank you sir," I start to walk to the door but stop,
"Lucy are you not coming?" She shakes her head with a smile. 
"I've been told to stay here, but i will see you shortly." I nod still curious. I make my way down the stairs to the entrance, where i've been told to be. Standing there, in a bright yellow summer dress, with her beautiful red hair up in a bun, is May.
"MAY!" i yell running over to her, her face lights up when she sees me. She jumps up and i carry her in a hug.
"I missed you so much." she giggles her voice muffled from being pressed to me. I sigh.
"I missed you too." Our moment of reunion is cut short by Maxon. He wears a grin of pride on his face.
"Awe i missed the moment of surprise." we laugh.
"Thank you maxon," i tell him in the most sincere way i know. May still clinging to me let's go to hug Maxon. He picks her up spinning around as she through a her head back laughing. I can see it so easily in these moments, what a perfect father he'd be. When he placed her down again I pull her closer.
"How are you here?" I ask, "you're supposed to be in Europe with mom, you weren't coming back for another couple days"
"Mom was boring." She wines.
"May sent me a letter saying she wanted to come back earlier," Maxon explains, "I thought we would surprise you."
"It was all his idea really." May says rolling her eyes. Maxon smiles.
"Now, I have one more surprise for the both of you. Follow me." I grab his and may's hand as Maxon leads us up the stairs and to one of the guest rooms, May usually uses this one when she stays. He opens the door and inside are Mary and Lucy. May lets go of my hand and races to Lucy.
"Miss May." Lucy says with a smile as they embrace each other.
"There's one other thing," Maxon says, I look at him,
"What did you do?" He smiles at me clearly impressed with himself.
"May why don't you go see what's in the closet?" She hops up enthusiastically and practically bounces to the closest. She pulls the doors open dramatically. Inside is an explosion of pastel yellows, blues, and pinks. Dresses of all sorts, some big and some small, the perfect size for a little girl, hang perfectly neat. I hear may gasp, this is basically her paradise. She turns around mouth open,
"Is this for real?" She asks in awe, Maxon chuckles,
"Yes May, this is for real." He turns to me,
"Darling, I should be getting back to work but there are dresses in there for you as well. When the rest of your family reruns, we're throwing a small party for Mays birthday. I had multiple dresses made for the both of you to chose from for the party. I thought you could all have fun trying on the dresses and in the end pick some for the party." I smile brighter than I thought I could,
"Maxon you're so thoughtful." He kisses me on the cheek, then turns to Mary and Lucy.
"There are gowns in there for you two also," they both blush,
"Thank you, your majesty." They say almost in sink then look at each other and laugh.
"Good day ladies." He says bowing his head, they curtsy, even may try's. The second Maxon leaves May starts pulling out the dresses made for her and sorting through her favourite ones. I stay standing in the doorway, thinking of Maxon.
"Lady America?" Mary snaps me out of my daze, I look at her.
"I'll be back in a second, I'm- I'm going to get a maid to bring some refreshments." Mary steps forward,
"Well I'll go find someone."
"No, no." I step in front of the door stopping her, "really i'll go, I'll be back quick." Before she can protest I walk out the room. Behind I can hear may mumble something the others laugh. Down the hall I break into a run until I catch up with Maxon. He turns around just before I reach him and I jump up onto him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He stumbles back surprised but quickly recovers.
"America?" Before he can say anything I kiss him, really kiss him. He puts his hands along my waist pulling my closer. We are pressed so tightly our bodies could be one. We pull apart out of breath as he sets me down.
"What was that for?" He whispers, I shrug.
"I just wanted to tell you I love you." He smiles still holding me,
"And I love you. Now go, spend some time with your sister." I nod and turn to walk away, smiling like an idiot,before I return I find a maid and request some drinks and snacks to May's room. When I get back Mays already in one of the many dresses,
"America! Do you like it?" She spins around for me and I laugh,
"May you look princess." She grins.
"America you need to try yours on too." I roll my eyes,
"Well if you insist." I go to the closet and am pleased to find most of the dresses in my section are all blues. I reach for a Tiffany blue high low gown. I change as does may. And we look in the mirror together. I take one look at her,
"Absolutely not May."
"What?" she asks confused but she knows what I'm talking about. She tried on a skin tight dark green ball gown.
"You look like you're trying to be 20." Lucy and Mary giggle, I smile. "You two think this is funny?" They stop with wide eyes. Grinning I walk to the closet and grab two dresses from the opposite side and hand them to Mary and Lucy. They look at each other but being to change. "Now you," I say turning towards May, "you find something cute and girlie and fitting for a princess."
"Just because your queen doesn't mean you can boss me around." She tells me laughing and going back to the closet. I look at myself again deciding I like the dress but to try the other ones. We spend hours posing for each other, trying on every dress possible, laughing, and of course eating pastries. By four Mary has chosen a beautiful white summer day dress with a lace finish. Lucy will wear a high collar  Burnt red, sleeveless dress falling at her knees. The dress was so perfect for her, you'd think she was a princess not a former maid. I'm still going between two gowns, both of which are blue. One such a pale blue it looks almost white, it's a tea-length style and reminds me of one of the dresses I would have worn during the selection. The other was the very first one I tried on, it's simple, sweat. And most of all wouldn't outshine May. But I don't think I need to worry about that looking at the dresses she's chosen. She's still debating between three gowns. One light purple, floor length, dress with off the shoulder straps. The other a bright yellow cupcake style dress with a halter top. And the last, a summer green, keyhole day dress the flows out at her knees. She looks beautiful in everyone.
"So what are we thinking?" Lucy asks between sips of her lemonade, may and I stand in front of the mirror debating the dresses.
"I can't choose," May wines, "which everyone I wear think looks the best, like I love this but then I'll put the yellow one on and like it more." I had to smile at her struggle. Just over a year ago she was worrying about work and food, now her biggest problem was which dress she should wear to her birthday party.
"I have an idea." I tell her walking to Mary. I whisper in her ear and watch her smile.
"Right away miss." She walks out of the room giggling.
"What was that about?" May asks,
"You'll see," I tell her as I hold up the pale blue dress next to the Tiffany that I'm wearing. "Lucy, what do you think."
"Both are lovely but I like the high low one-"
"No, no, no, I like the light blue one." May interjects, I laugh, well that didn't help. Just then there's a knock at the door Mary peeks her head in,
"is he aloud to come in?"
"Yes, we need a photographer after all." She open the door wider and Maxon walks in holding one of his many cameras. He smiles the moment our eyes meet.
"Maxon, I need your help." I tell him holdings the other dress beside me. He chuckles.
"You're asking me for fashion advice?" I roll my eyes playfully.
"No, we need a photographer to help decide which looks better."
"Darling you could be wearing potato sacs and you would still look beautiful." He winks at me and I can't help but smile at the memories that fill my mind.
We make Maxon take pictures of us in each of the dresses and then some together. He even sneaks shots of us guggling together. Then May wants to take some photos so Maxon and I pose together. I fall onto him laughing as may try's to figure out the camera. It's another hour of photos before we each decide on what we will wear. The tea length, blue gown for me and the yellow cupcak dress for May.  Maxon tells may she can keep the other dresses as well. I think she almost crystal of happiness. Not much of a filter with her emotions.

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