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I am so sorry.

Those where the last words I said to her. I knew I was being stupid but I cant help myself. I was to tired and sick physically, emotionally and maybe mentally.  I knew I should have said good bye and explained.

I guess I was a coward.

June 17th year of 2011 was the worst nightmare I had experience in my life. But before that, 6:02 in the evening, I was very happy, so ecstatic, when I heard the news my mother is going home finally after a year living with my half-brother whom she gave up for adoption when he was a child.

I can still remember, my dad, calling me from his office telling me to fetch mom at the airport.

"Quint?" My name echoed through my ears as I answered his call.

"Yeah?" I asked in my usual monotone voice while playing csgo online.

"I'm about to enter the court in a few minutes but someone needs to be fetch at the airport in the next hour."

"Ummm... Is it one of your fellow prosecutors again?" I asked as I killed the last enemy making my teammates shout in victory, their voices echoed throughout my room.

"Sorry." I added and mute my speakers instantly.

"No. In fact its your mother."

"What?!" Suddenly I stood up from my chair from the name I have heard.

"Its supposed to be a surprise for you but I am needed here at the moment so I cant get her."

"O-Ohkay... Okay I'll get her." I said as I quickly pick up my shoes and wore them.

"I need to go... I'll be home in 8." He said and quickly ended the call.

I hurriedly got the key to my car and drive happily on the way to the airport. It was 6:43pm when I arrived at the airport and it was full of people.  I waited patiently at the arriving gates of the passengers and was a bit anxious to see my mother.

I wasnt the only one there who were excitedly waiting at the arrivals of the upcoming passengers. There were families who are waiting with a cake and few balloons. I guess they are welcoming a birthday person.

20 minutes later, it was announced that a flight from Havana is now arriving in the next 5 minutes. I was so eager to see my mom. We only video call for a few times and mostly chat online. The feeling of having my mother with us at home is one of the best. I may be 18 years old but I am never one of those kids who would rather leave their parents than spend their days with them.

At the window of the airport, I can see the aircraft moving through the dark sky and even though I am not a pilot, I could sense that there is difficulty in landing. The newscaster earlier said it was expected to be raining this evening and I guess the heavy clouds are making it harder for the plane to land.

The thought made me worry. Questions filled up my mind and soon, I began to feel more anxious. I just hope that nothing would happen to the plane.

5 more mintues and still the plane kept on flying around the sky. I began to think that it wouldn't land anymore. But with hope, I stood and waited for my mother patiently.

Another 5 minutes and the rain was now heavy. I couldn't see the plane anymore. It was like the clouds have devoured the plane. My anxious grew and grew as minutes passed. Soon after 15 minutes, it was announced that the plane from Havana could not land at the runaway and was transffered to the another airport beside the state.

I walk back and forth and worry crept in my mind. I pick up my phone from my pocket and dialed my father. It took three calls before he answered it.

"You know I am in the middle of a trial and fucking good thing I put my phone in silent mode or I would have chopped off your balls. Now, what is it?"

I didnt bother his anger towards me and said, "The plane didnt land and it was transferred to Oariland City. Its basically four hours away from here!"

"What!? Well I guess the rain didnt let them land..... I'll call her and you should go now."

I stopped and looked over the pouring rain through the window. 

"Okay... Can you pick her up there?" I asked him.

"I am not sure. We'll talk about this later."

"Okay." I nodded even though he didn't see it. "Bye." I said and ended the call.

 That night, I decided whether I should go see Piper but remembered that she didn't wanted to be disturbed during her studies, so I went back home and waited for my parents.

I didn't know I slept in the couch at our living room until I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. Getting up while still rubbing my eyes, I took my phone and answer it.

"Hello?" I asked without knowing whom I am talking to. 

"QUINTON! Your mother!"

It all take a sentence for my life to break. I thought there is nothing for me to lose, but I was wrong. That day, I didn't even get to see her one last smile to me. If only I knew that she would finally leave me forever that day, then I wouldn't have let her leave. 

Nothing can ever replace the empty space that my mother left me in my heart. 

No one will. 

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