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"Bella what are we going to do first?" Veronica asked excitement in her voice as she flopped on Bella's bed.
"I was just planning on listening to music,"
"Ughh don't be such a boring nerd Bella come on I'll take you to the mall,"
"You know how I hate the mall,"
"Well you'll learn to like it come-"
Before Veronica can finish her sentence a honk of a horn sounded as her and Bella looked out the window having Veronica smile as she saw her best friend out with a red truck.
"Come on Bells," she says grabbing her hand running downstairs and outside.
"JACOB!" Veronica yelled as she jumped on him having him fall back with a thud as they laughed.
"Veronica Swan what are you doing here?" He asked sitting up from the ground.
"I came here to visit my cousin I'm staying for the year," she responded as his face dropped.
"Only for a year? I haven't seen you in forever,"
"Oh I know but unless you can convince my mom to let me stay longer I'm forced to stay only for a year,"
"I'll miss you,"
"Aww Jake I'll miss you too," she says hugging him as he hugged her back.
"Hey Jacob," Bella awkwardly said as the two let go of each other and stood up.
"Hey Bella,"
"What brings you here?"
"Oh we got a little surprise for you," he said smiling as Charlie came out of the house.
Bella turned her head to look at the truck as she smiled.
"No way for me?" She says running over to it as Veronica and Jacob smiled at each other before following her as she opened up the door.
"Charlie bought it off of my dad and I fixed up the engine," Jacob says as Veronica was sitting next to him.
"Wow Jacob shes amazing," she says excitement in her voice.
"Aww and I wanted to take you to school in my car," Veronica complained while pouting.
"Your coming to school with me?" Bella asked excitement in her voice as Veronica raised her eyebrows.
"Duh why wouldn't I be? Sometimes I think that brain of yours shuts off too long," she says causing Jake to laugh as Bella giggled.
"Veronica wait for me!" Bella shouted as she rushed downstairs as Veronica had her hand on the front door.
Charlie had left early for he was the chief of police Veronica didn't have time to say goodbye to him. Today was the first day of school and Veronica wasn't nervous mainly because she has her clumsy sister who just fell down the stairs with a thud causing Veronica to giggle before helping her up.
"You okay cuz?"
"Just fine my butt hurts though,"
"Get over it and come on before were late,"
"Everyone is staring," Bella says once they both get out of there cars.
Veronica smirked and hooked her arm over her cousins.
"Come on cuzzo ye need to losen up some and have fun people will stare cause they like ya,"
"Or because we're new," she mumbled causing Veronica to roll her eyes as they went inside the front office.
"Hello ma'am how may I help you?" A woman asked smiling at the two.
"Hi, I'm Veronica Swan and this is my cuzzo Bella Swan,"
"Ah yes the chiefs niece and daughter come to town," she says smiling while printing out our schedules. "Here's a map for you girls and make sure to have that signed and bring it back by the end of the day,"
"Okay thanks come on cuzzo let's roll,"
"What classes you have?"
"Let's see it looks like we only have Bio, lunch and free period together," she said cheerful as Bella smiled.
"That's great I can't wait," Bella says smiling.
"Alright well gotta go to English cuzzo I'll see you later try not to kill anyone in gym," she told her causing Bella to giggle.
"I won't promise,"
Veronica waved at Bella while walking forward.
"Veronica wai-" Bella called out but was too late as she fell to the ground hard with all her stuff falling out.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry," a voice filled with music bells said as he began picking up Veronica's stuff as she got up.
Her eyes widened when she saw his features, he was beautiful pale skin, dark brown eyes that looked black, a square shaped face, messy bronze hair that she wants to sink her hands to. The man held the papers she dropped in her hand as he couldn't stop staring at her.
"Umm.... Thank you for the umm.... Papers I hope to uh, see you again," she says grabbing it from his hands as she walked away.
"Wait," he called out to her causing her to stop but didn't turn around. "I didn't catch your name," he said causing her to smirk as she turned her head to face him.
"That's because I didn't give it to you, thanks for the papers though," she says walking off as Edward laughed quietly to himself.

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