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"I believe this belongs to you," A dark skinned man holding our baseball says as three people emerged from the forest.
Veroncia lightly gasped as a man with long blonde hair, striking red eyes, and pale skin was staring at her as she did the same. She recognized her from the nightmare that she had. He slowly began smirking at Veronica as she moved her gaze over to a woman with curly bright orange hair, pale skin, and deep red eyes.
He tosses the ball to Dr. Cullen who easily catches it and smiles politely.
"Thank you," Carlisle says as calm as he could be.
"Where are my manners? I am Laurent, this is Victoria and James," he introduced pointing at the other two.
James was still staring at Veronica as she looked up into his eyes causing Edward to do a low growl as she gripped on his hand tighter and looked away.
"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle informed Laurent.
"Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed,"
"Yes. We maintain a permanent residence nearby,"
"Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore,"
"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East," Victoria says smiling.
"So, could you use three more players? Oh come on just one game,"
"Of course, some of us were just leaving,"
Carlisle tosses the ball to Victoria as she smirked.
"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball,"
Jasper and Emmett chuckled.
"Oh we can handle that,"
Veronica tried pulling on Edward's hand to get his attention as he looked away from James and down to her. She nodded her head telling him it was time to leave. Just as they were about to the wind began blowing as James took a wif of human scent.
"You brought a snack," he says trying to get to Veronica but Edward pushed her behind him as the Cullen's made position and started hissing with James as Victoria and Laurent were beside him.
"The girl is with us," Carlisle says as Rosalie growled.
"We'll die just to protect her!" She shouted as they kept hissing at them.
"We understand. We won't harm her," Laurent said trying to avoid an outnumbered fight.
"Just try it. You'll definitely be going through me before you even get the chance," Emmett threatened glaring at him.
"I think it's best if you leave,"
"Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James?" Laurent asked as James' eyes don't leave Edward's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with an arm around Victoria's. Veronica noticed that he gave her one last smirk before  disappearing into the forest.
"Edward get Veronica out of here. We'll follow them,"
"Be safe," Veronica says as Carlisle nodded at her.
Edward rushes Veronica into the car as she quickly put her seatbelt on as he raced to the driver's side.
"He knows you," Edward says driving faster than ever.
"What do you mean?"
"James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession, and my reaction set him off. Did you happen to dream about him? Or ever seen him before?"
"I only had a dream about him but it was just a dream. I didn't think anything of it,"
"He got into your mind somehow. I'm so sorry for bringing you into this Veronica,"
"Don't be Edward. I chose this knowing the dangers of it. But I'm with you.... I'll always be with you Edward,"
"The first place he'll go is your house. He'll track your scent there," Edward stated as Veronica's eyes went wide.
"What?!? Charlie and Bella are there. There in danger because of me. Because of us! Bella is innocent just as much as Charlie they can't be hurt,"
"Then we'll lead the tracker away from him. Somehow,"
Veroncia sighed sadly.
"I have an idea... But we're both not going to like it,"
"LEAVE ME ALONE FREAK!" Veronica shouted as Edward was at her door with fake pleading eyes.
"Veronica please just give me another chance. I'm sorry,"
"NO! I-I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THIS! GOODBYE EDWARD!" She shouted slamming the door in his face.
When she turned around both Bella and Charlie were looking at her concerned.
"Cuz what happened?" Bella asked as she put on fake tears.
"Edward he.... He cheated on me. I have to go, I have to leave Forks.... Being here any longer only reminds me too much of him,"
Veronica runs upstairs as the two followed her as she slammed her room door and locked it. Edward was in her room in a flash helping her pack.
"This is going to be tough. Not only am I hurting my uncle.... I'm hurting my cousin as well,"
"They'll both forgive you Veronica. It's for there saftey,"
Veroncia nodded as she took a deep breath as knocks were on the door.
"V, I know he hurt you but you don't have to leave," Charlie pleaded through the other side of the door.
"Yeah Veroncia. This is the only year we have together,"
"I'll be in the car," Edward whispers lightly kissing her on the forehead.
And he disappears out the window. Veroncia gathers strength to continue her performance. She opens the door to reveal Charlie and Bella. They follow as she carries her duffle and car keys.
"Veroncia think about this," Charlie pleaded as she was at the door.
"Dont leave us.... Please," Bella also pleaded as Veronica couldn't look at them in the eyes as real tears were going down her face.
"I'm sorry guys but I can't be here any longer. I'm going back to my mom's," Veronica says as she opened up the door and slammed it behind her.

Twisted Poison (Edward Cullen) #Wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now