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Veronica headed into English as she handed the teacher her schedule he smiles at her as he clears his throat.
"Class this is our newest student Veronica Swan, Veronica I welcome you into my English class I am Mr. B and I want each and every one of you to treat Veronica respectfully if you can please sit by Alice Cullen,"
"Yes sir," she says smiling as all eyes were on her while walking down to the back where a pixie like woman sat.
"I love that outfit," Alice whispers smirking.
"Thanks I like to think of myself as the fashion police," she giggled along with Veronica.
"I think you and I are gonna be best friends,"
"So good to know Alice your a cool person,"
"Veronica and Alice please be quiet while I'm talking,"
"Yes sir," they both said but smirked at each other when he turned back around.
"Wanna go shopping after school?" Alice asked hooking Veronica's arm to hers as Veronica saw a tall beautiful blonde looking woman come towards us.
"Oh Rosalie this is Veronica Swan she's an amazing person oh and loves shopping!" Alice introduced as Rosalie gave a small smile.
"Hey how's it going?"
"Good you?"
"Well hey listen Alice after school we should go shopping,"
"I was asking Veronica that but she didn't answer what ya say?"
"I would guys I really would but Uncle Charlie wants family time at dinner
"Awww are you sure?"
"Positive catch ya next time I have to head to history,”
"Okay maybe next time,"
"Definitely," she said before walking away.
Once Veronica had left Rosalie turned to Alice.
"Is that her?" She asked low as she began walking with her.
"Yup that's her. Although they weren't supposed to meet till Biology but she ran into Edward by accident this morning when she bumped into him,"
"Will anything change?"
"No I still see her as one of us in the future,"
"What about her Cousin Bella?"
"She's fine she won't know anything about us just Veronica,"
"I like her shes cool,"
It was lunch time for Veronica her two classes went great she met Jasper Cullen and Emmett Cullen and both are pretty cool people.
"Veronica," Bella called as she sat with a group of friends.
"Hey Bells who's yer homie?"
"Is this your cousin Bella? She's like the talk of the school your so pretty I'm Jessica,"
"Hi I'm Veronica the one and only," she replies shaking her outstretched hand.
"Veronica I'd like for you to meet Mike Newton and Eric Yorkie," she says pointing to the dude with blonde hair and an Asian looking guy.
"Well hello cutie do you happen to have a boyfriend by any chance?" Mike asked with a smile on his face.
Veronica throw some fries on his face.
"We just met and besides I'm not really looking for anyone right now,"
"Smile you two," a girl with glasses says as she takes a surprise picture of Veronica and Bella.
"Sorry, I needed the candid for the feature-"
"Feature's dead, Angela don't bring it up again," Eric snapped as he turned to face Veronica and Bella. "I've got both your back baby,"
"Guess we’ll just run another editorial on teen drinking," Angela says disappointment clear in her voice.
Bella began suggesting things to her as Veronica sighed and went to throw her plate in the trash. When Veronica sat back down the doors to the cafeteria opened as she smiled when she saw the Cullen's enter in.
"Who are they?" Bella asked curious.
"Those are-"
"My new friends the Cullen's I'm going over to say hi,"she says once they all seated at least the ones she knows.
The boy she bumped into she didn't know his name as she got up from her seat and sat with them specifically the bronze hair boy.
"Hey Veronica," Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett says smiling.
"Hey guys,"
"Wait you give them your name but you didn't give me yours?" Bronze hair guy asked as Veronica smirked.
"You didn't ask and I don't remember you giving me yours," Veronica said as she was starting to get this strange but warming feeling in her gut that there was something different about him.
Edward smirked at Veronica liking his blood singer already, her blood was a scent he couldn't describe as her mind clouded up only having him hear bits and pieces of it.
"Well Edward nice to officially meet you I'm-"
"Veronica Swan I know, your the talk of the school,"
"Thats great, well I gotta go back to my cuzzo,"
"By Veronica," everyone but Edward said as she waved them off as she left.
"Bye," he whispered low watching her sit back in her seat as she turned to face him and smiled before resuming back to her friends.

Twisted Poison (Edward Cullen) #Wattys2018 Where stories live. Discover now