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"Veronica I almost never see you anymore is everything okay?" Uncle Charlie asked when Bella and her got home from school.
"Yeah sorry for not spending more time with you.... What are you doing anyways?" She asked seeing the beers he had in his hand. 
"Billy and I gotta game to watch. And Jacob has been dying to see you again,"
"Hey V," the sound of Jacobs voice said with a smile on his face.
"JAKE!" She shouted as he showed up next to Charlie.
Veronica ran up to him giving him a hug as he hugged her back just as hard.
"Hey Jake," Bella says small smile as the two let go from there hug.
Veronica saw Jake's eyes lit up when him and Bella started talking.
"Hey I'll leave you two love birds alone I'm heading inside,"
"Woah no your not. Your coming with us to the reserve," Jacket said with a smile on his face.
"Huh?" Veronica asked with a suprised look on her face.
"You heard me Swan. We're going to the reserve today. You need to get out the house and have fun,"
She sighed but smiled anyways.
"Alright Jake you got me," she laughed as he grinned over at her.
The three were over at Jake's house, popcorn in hand as movies were playing on.
"So Swan," Jake began pausing the movie causing her to whine.
"What Black?"
"Bella's been telling me some things,"
"Oh? Like what?"
"Like you and a certain Cullen getting closer together?"
"You know the Cullen's?"
"Sorta.... It's just an old scary story. Did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?"
"Like fur, fangs ... doggy breath type and not cute little doggies with floopy ears?" Veronica asks as Jacob and Bella chuckles.
"So the legend about the Cullens is what? Don't leave me in suspense,"
"Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like.. “enemy clan.” ... But they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them,"
"Didn't they just move here though?"
"Or just moved back V,"
"Riiiight. So what was this treaty? Im dying to know,"
"If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were to the pale-faces,"
"What are they really? Not that I care or anything,"
Jacob chuckled as he looked back at Bella who was shivering at the thought.
"It's just a story V, and besides your cousin over here is getting scared,"
"Ha. Me scared? Jake who you talking to?"
"Isabella Swan," she hit him causing him and Veronica to laugh.
"You know I hate my full name,"
"Alright well it's been fun but I gotta life back at home,"
"V, we just got here,"
"Fine I'll stay for a little bit longer,"
It was night and Veronica couldn't sleep. She couldn't help but think about Jacob's story about her friends. Curious she went on her computer and began doing research on the cold ones and with every page she clicked one one word always popped up. Vampire.
Forks Washington is never a Sunny place to live and today happened to be the sunniest day. Veronica was at school with her cousin outside as Jessica was getting a tan. Veronica was looking for any signs of her friends.
"They're not here V," Jessica began causing Veronica to look at her.
"Who?" She asks trying to play dumb.
Jessica chuckled as she looked over at her.
"Your friends The Cullen's, whenever the weather's nice the Cullen's disappear,"
"Oh... Do they have a reason too?"
"Yeah, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank ‘em out for hiking and camping and stuff. I tried the idea out on my parents. Not even close,"
Veronica chuckled as Angela came up to them.
"Guys I'm going to the prom with Eric!" She shouted excited as Veronica smiled at the girl in front of her.
"That's great I knew you could do it,"
"I followed your advice and took charge and asked,"
"Wow Bells giving out advice? This is very impressive," Veronica said causing the group including her to laugh.
"Shut up I always give out great advice,"
"Then give some to me about a certain sexy Cullen,"
"Edward? I thought you weren't involved with him,"
"Well Jess things change,"
"Are y'all a thing?" Angela asked causing Veronica to turn to her.
"Y'all should. Would be cute together anyways Bella I was wondering if you would want to go prom dressing with us in Port Angeles?"
"Yeah sure I'll go,"
"Can I come?" She asked eager because of a book she wanted was in Port Angeles and she would go by herself but why when a group of Bella's friends were going? It'll save her some gas.
"Yeah of course V, we need your opinion too,"
"Great," she chirped giving out a big grin.
A/n: hello readers and voters the reason why I haven't been updating was because I'm a beginner at becoming a YouTuber and my channel is Death Queen click on the icon with two of me acting goofy with a yellow crown! if you'd please please check it out, subscribe, like, and comment! Thanks much appreciated

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