Limbo City

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A/N (Y/N) <-your name (H/C) <-hair color (Y/A) <-your age (E/C) <- eye color

Limbo City, corrupt, nasty, disgusting, horrible. Just a few of the words I can describe this city that I dwell in. I flipped through many channels on my T.V. finding something to watch when I came across the news station. We really only have one station. "Great its the fat man." You say softly as you lay back on my bad staring up at the ceiling when I heard the man say something about the terrorist group. I quickly sat up and cranked up the television to heard what was going on. "They must be stop! They say our city is corrupt!" I snicked at the remark. "They say we have poisoned the drinks, and we are demons." I raised an eyebrow. "We caught a picture of one of the terrorist." They pulled up a picture of a guy around your age. He wore a long black and red trench coat, a large sword on his back, and black hair. I studied the picture for a bit before they took it off. I huffed slightly before they continued to speak. "If you see this man. Call the authorities and we will apprehend the kid." I rolled my eyes and shut off the television making my way to my closet. I grabbed a fresh grey tank top and a black zip-up hoodie to put over top. I pulled my long (H/C) out of the hoodie and proceeded to head out for the day. "Time to get my day started then." I say softly with a sigh and walked out the door. I have no idea what adventure awaits me on this day.

As I walk down the streets I noticed how dirty this city really is. Virility cans littered the ground, the posters plastered all over the walls. I shuttered at the sight and continued to walk more. watching so many people become engrossed with the product makes me sick to my stomach. I looked up towards the twisted towers the to myself looked like horns, but nobody else saw it like that. They only see a beautiful tower made for our mayor. Out of the corner of my (E/C) eyes I noticed some workers for the city installing cameras on every street lamp and post. I raised an eyebrow and walked over towards them. "Pardon me, but why are there more cameras?" I asked softly. One of the workers looked down at me from his ladder and grunted. "Did you not see the news?!" He half yelled. The other looked over towards me and pulled me off the the side. "Its so we can catch terrorist activities. Its for your protection miss." He said softly to me and moved away to get back to work. To protect me, what a joke. As I strolled down the street when a young guy around your age came straight out of an alley. He looked worried and panicked. I noticed he was carrying a gun when he looked over towards me. I went to opened my mouth to scream before I could even, he moved swiftly behind me covering my mouth. "Shh, I wont hurt you." He whispered softly in my ear.

A/N: Ohhhh so we finally get to meet the lucky man now. Ho Ho Ho! What will happen next. BTW, Check out ClanKiller097 on Youtube and Facebook. I promise you wont be sorry if you did. Anyways I'll update soon.

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