Chapter 6

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Later that day

(Still Megan's P.O.V)

I was up in my room trying to figure out what I should wear to my date tonight. Ok to catch you guys up.

Earlier that day

Niall came up to me and he seemed a little flustered. I looked at him and said,

"Well what do you want to ask me Ni?" I asked him a little confused at his attitude. He looked at me and said,

"Well I'm not good at these types of things but umm do you possibly want to go on a date with me? I mean we would just be going to go see a movie nothing fancy just casual. I would really like to get to know you better, Megan."

"Yes Niall I will go on a date with you."

He ran over to me and gave me a hug and he said,

"I will pick you up around 7."


Present time

So as I was saying I'm up in my room trying to find an outfit to wear. I couldn't decide my one outfit that consisted of my one pair of jeans that are bedazzled on the pockets and my favorite purple and white striped sweater, and my one pink, white, and brown dress that have different colored squares and a pair of black leggings. So I called my friend Maria and asked her to come over and help me decide on an outfit. When she came over she told me that I should wear my jeans and my sweater so I put them on and I went into my bathroom and started getting ready. Maria was helping me with my hair and I started on my make up trying to look very natural. I decided to leave my hair in its natural waves. By the time we were done I looked amazayn. Then I heard the doorbell ring,

'That must be Ni.' I thought.

So I ran down the stairs and realized that I forgot my shoes so I ran back up the stairs and asked Maria if she could go and let Niall in and she said sure thing. So I ran back into my room and started looking for my favorite pair of Converse they had purple and orange laces. When I found them I slipped them on and tied them and then I ran back down the stairs and saw Ni standing there god he looked handsome even if he was just dressed the way he normally does in a polo shirt and jeans. He looked at me and said,

"Wow Megan you look beautiful."

I felt myself blushing, I smiled and said,

"Well thanks Ni, you look very handsome."

He grabbed my hand and started leading me to his car. When we got to the passenger side he stopped me and opened up the car door and helped me in.

"Why thank you kind sir." I said in a posh accent and giggled.

"Your welcome m'lady." He replied. Then we both started laughing.

When we got to the movie theater he got out and opened the car door again and he stood there and held out his hand I grabbed his hand and he helped me out of the car. When we started walking towards the theater I tried letting go of his hand but he wouldn't let go. So I went with it and intertwined my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed his back. When we got in the theater he asked me what movie I wanted to see, so I started looking at the titles I finally settled on one, Mr.Peabody and Sherman. So he went and he got us two tickets, then he went and got two boxes of popcorn and I got a Three Musketeers bar. We also got pop then we started to go towards the theater that was showing the movie. When we got in there we picked some seats towards the middle of the theater. The movie was really funny, we laughed a lot. When it was finished Niall got up and held out his hand and helped me up. We walked out of the theater hand in hand. When we got outside I didn't really want to go home just yet. So Ni and I went on a walk in the park right across the street from the theater. We walked around a bit then we saw an open park bench and Ni pulled me over to it. When he sat down he let go of my hand and I pouted. He smirked at me and I got those butterflies that everyone talks about. I sat down on the bench across from him and he smiled at me. While we were sitting down I started to get tired and Ni noticed, so he pulled me onto his lap. I squeaked when he did because it scared the crap out of me. Then he moved his feet onto the place where I was just sitting, then I placed my legs on top of his. I leaned back onto his chest and laid my head down on his shoulder. I felt him sigh underneath me and his breath tickled the back of my neck. After awhile of sitting on the bench I felt him start playing with my hair. Soon after I felt him brush my hair to the side and place a light kiss on my neck.

"I love your hair." He whispered in my ear and I shivered because it sent chills down my spine when he did.

A little while later I felt my eyelids getting heavier and I could barely keep them open. That's when I felt his lips against my ear and he whispered,

"I think we should get you home."

I sighed because I didn't want to get off of his lap I was actually quite comfortable. Then I think he finally gave up because I felt him sigh and say,

"If you want, love, I'll carry you to the car if your too tired to walk."

I nodded my head so that he would know that I would like that a lot. When he moved his feet off of the bench mine came down too. Then I got off of his lap so he could get up. When he was up he turned back around and bent down and picked me up bridal style. I laid my head back on his chest. When we finally made it back to his car he carefully set me down and helped me into the passenger side. When he sees that I have successfully buckled myself in he goes around the car and gets into the drivers side and starts driving towards my house.

When we get to my house Ni helps me unbuckle and then goes around to the passenger did and picks me up and starts carrying me towards my house and up the stairs and into my bedroom. He lays me down on my bed and tries to stand back up but I won't let him. I feel him chuckle and then I hear him say,

"Princess, please let go of me."

"No, I won't. Please stay with me Ni?"

"I was planning on it, love."

"Thank you."

"No problem, love. Just let me get out of this shirt it's really uncomfortable and I also don't want to sleep in it."

I look over at him and he smiles at me. I turn back around so my back is facing him and snuggle into my blankets. After awhile I feel Ni get in beside me and he wraps his arms around my waist and I snuggle into him. Then I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to the sounds of other people in my room and two strong arms around my waist. I almost freak out but then I realize that the arms belong to none other than Niall Horan, and the whispering belongs to his other band mates and my best friends and also my sister. I poke Ni's stomach and he buries his head into the crook of my neck and grumbles,


"Babe." I whisper in his ear, "Can you please tell your friends ever so nicely to get out of our room?"

"Guys please get out of the room."

The guys get up grumbling.

"That means you too girls."

I hear them get up and leave the room. I then look at Ni and he smiles.

"I could get used to waking up to your beautiful face every morning."

"I'm not beautiful Ni." I tell him.

"The girls that don't know that they are beautiful are the most beautiful to me." He says to me while looking me in the eye. I feel myself blushing, and he kisses my cheek.

Then I get out of bed and copies me. Right at that moment I remember that he took his shirt off last night before he got into the bed with me. He saw me staring and he smirks at me and also wiggles his eyebrows and says,

"Do you like what you see?"

I know there is no point in trying to lie to him so I answer him as truthfully as I can.

"Yes." I tell him.

He comes around the bed. Every step he takes towards me I take one step back then I feel my back hit the wall. When he sees that I am stuck in between him and the wall he grins at me evilly. He keeps coming closer to me until I can feel his breath caress my cheek. I look down towards his feet. He puts two fingers under my chin and makes me look directly into his eyes. Then he starts leaning forward. His lips coming dangerously close to mine. When our lips are less than an inch apart he whispers,

"I've wanted to do this since I first saw you."

Then he touches his lips to mine softly at first. Then I feel myself kissing him back. That's when he deepens the kiss and runs his tongue along my bottom lip and I open my mouth. After a few more minutes we both pull away trying to catch our breath. He leans his head down so that his forehead is touching mine and I run my hands up his torso and I slip them around his neck. He then kisses me softly again and I run my hands through his hair. He pulls away and smiles. Then we both smell the food and I jump onto Ni's back and he runs down the stairs with me on his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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