Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Megan's P.O.V

I stood there with Louis's hand over my mouth considering what he just said to me. They were all looking at me with a pleading look on all of their faces. So I finally gave in and shook my head no. They all sighed in relief and Louis let me go. Then we hear the distant scream of a girl saying,


Then Liam shakes his head and I hear him mumble, "Great this again."

Then we are all running through the food court going towards the exit followed by a whole bunch of fans. We run into the parking lot and I'm looking desperately for my car and then I spot it not far from where we are standing. So I tell Niall the plan and we all start running towards my white SUV. When we get there they all pile in and then I ask them if its alright if we make a quick stop. They all said yeah it's not a problem. So when we get to the daycare center where my little sister is I turn around and say to the guys "I'll be right back." They all say ok. So I get out of my car and walk into the daycare center and I see Em in the corner crying. I go over to my friend Katie and ask,

"How long has she been like this?"

"About 15 minutes."

"Thanks for watching over her Katie. I really appreciate it."

"No problem Megan. I just wish I knew how to help."

"I know you do Katie. It's just that you can't bring my parents back."

"I know, I know."

Katie has been my friend for as long as I can remember. She has been there through the highs and lows of my life. I really appreciate that. I thank her one last time and I go over to Em and pick her up and carry her out to the car. I take her to the car and open up the door and set her on Liam's lap. I look at them all and say,

"Guys this is my little sister Emily."

They all say hi. I climb back into the drivers seat and start driving but it's not long until I hear Em laughing in the back seat.

Liam's P.O.V

When Megan handed me her little sister I was trying everything to make her laugh but nothing was working. So I looked desperately at the others. Zayn was to busy fixing his hair so my only other two options for help was Lou and Haz. Well then Haz got an idea I could see his face light up as soon as he got it. Then before Em knew what was going on Harry starts tickling her. Then she cheers up and she is laughing so hard then everyone joins in because she is just so cute. After we all had that out of our system I looked at her and asked,

"Hey Emily how old are you?"

"I'm 6."

Then she asked me, "Who are all of you?"

"I'm Liam." I pointed to Harry and said, "That's Harry." I then pointed to Louis and said, "That's Louis." I pointed to Zayn, "That's Zayn." Then I pointed to Niall in the front seat and said, "That's Niall."

Then she said to me, "I like you Liam."

Then she looked at her sister and said,

"Are we going home Megan?"

"Yes Em we are."


Then before we got back to Megan's flat I looked down at Em and I saw that she was asleep in my arms.

Niall's P.O.V

We had a very quiet ride back to Megan's flat. When we got there Megan walked up to the door and she unlocked it and took Em to her room. When she came back out she asked us if we were hungry and we all chorused a yes. When she peeked her head around from the inside of the kitchen she asked if any of us could help her carry out the food. Of course at the mention of food I jumped at the opportunity to go help. When we handed out all the sandwiches I sat down and ate mine. I went to go take another bite out of it to find that it was gone. Well what can I say I love my food and besides we hadn't eaten all day well besides this morning.

She looked at me and laughed. I was so confused everyone else joined in but I didn't know what was so funny. So I asked them and they all said, "Well the look of disappointment when you realized that your sandwich was gone was so hilarious." Then they all start laughing again. Then you know I would find it funny if I was watching someone and they looked the way that they did just then.

A/N- I didn't realize how long this chapter was getting. Hoped you guys liked it. Please vote, comment and also share this story with your friends. Also if you are a Directioner, Mixer, Swiftie, or if you love Hunter Hayes please follow my twitter account @MeganHardy16

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