Chapter 4

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Megan's P.O.V.

I sighed and said, "Ok." Then I looked at the boys and said,

"So what do you boys plan on doing today?"

"Well I was going to stay here so we wouldn't get mobbed again.", Niall said.

The rest of them all thought that that was a good idea and I said to them,

"We'll I'm going to call some friends and see if they want to come over. I don't want any of you to make big fools of yourselves so behave please."

"Ok!"They all chorused together. I called my four best friends Madison, Megan, Bralicia, and Anastasia and asked if they wanted to come over they all said yes after I told them that I had a surprise for them. After about 5 minutes I heard the door bell ring. Louis yelled,


Lou ran over to the door and opened and we all heard him say,

"Are you alright love?"

I was mentally saying to myself oh no it was Ana at the door now she is probably frozen and can't say anything. I get up and go save her from her mental fan girl attack as I usher Lou back into the living room. She looks at me and whisper-yells,

"I didn't know that you had freaking One Direction in your house!"

"Surprise?!" I say.

The other three are all just standing there silently snickering. I glare at them and they stop. I look at her with a pleading look and the best puppy dog face ever. She finally gives in and exclaims,

"Oh alright I'm sorry for yelling."

I whoop for joy and run back inside the others taking that as an invitation to come in. I look over at the guys and see them all staring at my best friends well all but Niall I mean yeah he's staring but not at my friends more like at me.

Anastasia's P.O.V

I am going to kill her the minute that we are alone. I mean seriously she could have at least told us. Ugh why am I still doing this well at least I can check this off of my to-do list now. Well at least I can tell why she's happy she met 5 freaking hot guys and now they are in her house. Why can't I be as lucky as her. I go up to Megan (A/N the Megan that started out this story she will be Megan 1 the other one will be Megan 2) and ask,

"Where's Emmy?"

"Oh um I think Lou is playing with her outside."

I look outside and I see her, and as Megan said Louis is out there playing with her and it seems like the first time I actually saw her happy.

A/N- I am so sorry guys that I haven't updated in a while but with school and dance and other things like track I've been so busy that I haven't really had the time to write anything. Well I hope you forgive me my little leprechauns.





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