Chapter 19 : Why am I Here

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Your questions are answered at the end of the chapter. Now onward with the story.

Your Pov

Everyone left after watching the very embarrassing yet also very romantic video from our date. G was asleep on the couch and I was trapped in his grip, like he was holding onto me for dear life. Reaching up I kiss his cheekbone and teleport out of his grip. Putting on my (f/c) sweater I quietly open the door and walked out closing the door. Everything in snowdin is quiet considering it was 'night' in the Underground meaning I had sometime to myself.

Walking through waterfall I'm stopped by some monsters, luckily they were all very kind. Aimlessly I wander the Underground not exactly sure where i'm going but I decide to continue onwards anyway. Memories slowly come back to me of when I was a child, before the Monsters got trapped down here Sans would take me down here so we could go exploring.

FlashBack ~

"SANS! I'm scared, what if I get hurt? What if you don't catch me?" I was at the top of the mountain, Sans had already jumped in and promised he'd catch me, but that didn't stop me from thinking he might drop me. "Don't worry! I'll catch you i'd never let you fall." Listening to his words gave me some kind of determination, I wanted to go down there so that's what i'm gonna do. Jumping in the enormous hole I don't even scream, I was too scared to even move a muscle. Closing my eyes I waited, and waited, and waited until I was confident enough to open my eyes and realized I was in Sans's arms bridal style.

A huge blush covered my face, Sans just laughed at my childishness. "Alright put me down Sansy, let's get going!" Brushing off my (f/c) dress we continued forward. We walked through countless caves until we reached a door, this door was huge but we both pushed it open revealing snow.

'It's mid summer! Where did all this snow come from?!?" Sans was looking around in awe, grabbing my hand he began running with me through the snow. Reaching a swampy looking area you both slowed your pacing, I wobbled on my legs like a giraffe causing Sans to laugh hysterically.

Wiping away tears Sans bent down motioning me to jump on his back. "C'mon (N/n) let's go! I'll carry you for awhile." Both of us stared up at the ceiling of the cave, gems shined like stars it was magnificent. We came across a fluorescent blue stream that led us to waterfalls and huge rivers leading EVERYWHERE!

Blue flowers were surrounding the whole area, I was curious of what kind of flower they were considering i've never seen them on the surface before. "What are these?" I ask out loud causing several flowers to repeat me. Jumping nearly out of my skin I fall off Sans back causing him to fall with me.

" I think we'll call them echo flowers, does that sound alright?" Sans was on his back near me, looking over to me he instantly looked away a blue blush covering his face. "Yeah! I like the name it suits them really well." Getting up I look down to Sans with a hand out, he grabs it and I pull him up; He didn't let go once he was up, I didn't mind.

Continuing we walked out of what we called the Waterfall, and the snowy place was called Snowdin, Sans came up with that one. Soon a huge wave of heat came and hit me, I became dizzy and unsteady. Walking over a bridge with Sans I tripped over my own feet falling towards the lava, I was too hot to think. Sans used his magic to float me back up to him, placing me back on his back he pushed forward until we were in normal temperatures again. I told Sans to put me down which he reluctantly did, patting his head I grab his hand and we continue to walk. "I think it's safe to say that that place will be officially called Hotland." I laughed at the name and Sans just pulled me closer to him. Finally we reached a long corridor, there were holes at the ceiling of this cave making light shine through in rays. Walking to the middle of the room everything changed, Sans disappeared.

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