Chapter 27 : The Start of the End

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Your Pov

G had never left your side and Undyne repeatedly apologize for killing you, but of course you forgave her, how could you blame her? Eventually after convincing her she let up and left me G and frisk alone. Frisk has been awfully quiet which is very weird for them. "Frisk? You all right? This must have been really scary for you huh?"

Slowly a smile crept onto Frisk's face, not a soft one like they usually do but a skin stretching grin that made them look like they were next into a mental asylum. "Oh, Greetings! Frisk isn't home right now. It's Chara and I'm in control now." I could feel my heart drop as I realized that Frisk wasn't strong enough to fend them off.

"Chara why would you do this? Frisk needs their body, they haven't done anything wrong." G's eye burned a bright yellow but I had a tight grip on his hand, I didn't want him to hurt Frisk's body. "Oh but how would you know? Would you like me to inform you on what they've been up too lately?" I nodded, she was probably just going to try and manipulate us into thinking Frisk is all bad a murdery. "OH ALPHYS! PLEASE BE A DEAR AND COME OVER FOR A SECOND." Alyphs walked in alone looking at Frisk with a disgusted look, standing impatiently Alyphs taps her foot waiting for them to say something. "Oh so can you pull up the video footage of me from two weeks ago until now?"

Alyphs looked to me and G and we nodded our heads as to tell her it was okay. Walking over to one of her several computers we watched her pull up the foot of the past few days; As we waited the video the load I watched Chara talk to there self as if someone was there, probably Frisk.

It was the footage after G had blasted me with the blaster, his face was pained when the part came up. G had carried me back to his home, an hour past by and it showed Frisk bored in the snow. Frisk appeared to be in a full on conversation with no one, probably Chara.

Panicked Frisk walked around shaking their head a knife laid in the snow slowly being covered. Alphys had a very old desktop that had a busted audio, all we could see was Frisk's mouth moving rapidly.

The video then skips to the first time G apologized and took me to the Waterfall, I smiled slightly at the memory but what I saw next wiped that smile right off. Frisk was walking at in scary way that made them seem almost insane, A knife tightly gripped in hand as they slaughtered a couple residents of Waterfall. Tears dropped from my eyes as I watched and refused to believe that Frisk had ever done this. Watching the last clip it was after my talk with Frisk about freeing the Underground, after I left a malicious grin took over Frisk's face. They ran up to me eyes gleaming a red colour, their hand held a knife to my neck a laugh came from their mouth, thank asgore I couldn't actually hear it.

In one swift movement the knife slit me neck, instantaneously my hands went to my neck trying to stop the bleeding but it was too late... I died?

Looking to Chara tears dropped down onto the floor, their whole body was shaking. Anger was the aura that radiated of them, Alphys was confused by the video because I was still alive.

"That was before the after Frisk made a save point, She killed you and the replayed that scene. Of course no one remembers because no one ever remembers except Frisk, G, Flowey and I. Until now that was just some weird dream slash dejavu."

I looked to Chara fearing them, Frisk would never hurt me. Manipulation was one of Chara's many skills, I refused to believe my little pacifist did this. Chara killed me and is now trying to pin the blame. "Why is that video here if it never happen?" Chara look at me with tears still cascading down her cheeks.

"Because I hacked into the timelines coding and stitched the video into Alyphs's computer files. Also Alphys didn't know I was Chara until now also showing that she knew what Frisk has been up to hence the glare I got earlier."

Still choosing not to believe Chara I use my magic and summon a bone, hitting her on the back of the head knocked her out. G calmed down after she fell and Alphys looked unbothered. "Alright we're taking her to the shed and chaining her up." Grabbing her by the sweater I teleport to the shed.

Chara is fucking manipulative, and mentally unstable child. I hope you're alright Frisk.

??? Pov

You poor thing, Just wait until I return and when I do you'll wish you made different choices.

A/n : First off thank you for the compliments and such you guys are amazing and I'm glad I have supporters like you. Now wasn't this chapter just a mind fuck? The end of the book is gonna be so fucking great XD

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