Chapter 29 : The Little Girl

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Writer's Pov

Chara was still in the shed but she was slowly gaining your trust but G still had a strong disliking for her, Alphys had just called informing you that Chara's body was restored and habitable. G had already teleported to Alphys lab with Chara while you stayed at the house thinking about your living situation. Maybe They can stay in the shed together? Nah it wouldn't work out, Chara might kill Frisk. Maybe Chara could stay with Alphys and help out at the lab?

Walking over to the phone you call Alphys, the phone rings twice before she picks up. "H-hey (y/n) how are y-you?"

"I'm fine but I was wondering if I can ask a favor of you?"

"S-sure what is it ?"

"Well...Um I just need somewhere for Chara to stay and perhaps it could be with you at the lab?"

After you said that there was a long pause. But before you could tell her to forget it she spoke, not a single stutter in her voice. "Yes she can stay with me, but Undyne will also be staying for my own safety." Nodding you kick yourself because obviously she can't see you nod, "Alright sound good, just tell G to leave her there with you."

The call ended and you began looking around for something to to do, maybe you'll bake something for Frisk's return. Even though you're nervous about seeing Frisk again you got in the kitchen and began baking some cinna butt pie, Toriel taught you how to make it before you left the Ruins, before she...

You thought about making a grave for her somewhere beautiful to remember her.


Taking a slice out of the pie you wrap it up hoping to take it to Chara tomorrow; You're not really sure why you want to see her smile or laugh maybe its because your missing memories.

G walks in with Frisk who's laughing about some joke he told, it was obvious he missed the kid. "Is that cinnamon butterscotch pie?!?!?" Running into the kitchen Frisk stared at the pie wide eyed, turning to you they hugged you...Tightly. Lightly pushing them off you keep your composure, maybe they just really missed you?

"Hey there kiddo, want a slice of pie? Just came out of the oven and I think there's a piece with your name on it."

"YES, I mean yes please (y/n)." They shied away giving a sheepish smile which cause you and G to laugh. Thinking about it now from the outside you guys look like an odd family, Chara popped into your mind as you thought about it.

After handing out the pie, Frisk sits in the living room talking to G about what she's missed in the past few days and how everything's going. Deciding that Chara should have some pie too you grab the slice and head into the livingroom. "Hey G I'm going to give this piece of pie to Chara at the lab, I'll be back soon." Looking up he rolls his eyelights which causes you to pop him in the back of the skull and saunter your hips away, turning around you give him a glance mouthing the words ' You just lost your chance on getting ass tonight, hope you're happy.' while sticking out your tongue, snapping your fingers you teleport to the lab.

Walking into the lab you go into the secret lab assuming that's where they all are, maybe they're watching another mew mew kissy cutie episode that Alphys found. "Hello? Alphys? Undyne? Chara?" You had yet to see Chara's restored body which made you a little excited to see her.

"Over here (y/n)!" Chara was standing in the doorway of Alphys's weeb room where she kept all her animes she's found. Chara was wearing a lime green jumper with one lone yellow stripe, dark brown shorts, black calf socks and, dark brown combat boots. Her chestnut hair fell in front of her scarlet red eyes, a smile was on her face, not a scary one just a regular light smile. "You look beautiful Chara, I made some cinnamon butterscotch pie and I came by to give it to you." Every step closer you got to her made you want to hug her, it was almost painful. "Thanks! Um... But can we go talk?" Nodding you both head out to Waterfall, your leg was better than before but running isn't an option for you.

Sitting down on the bank of a stream you both plop your feet in, handing Chara the pie she shares with you. Chara told you that Toriel used to say it was rude to eat in front of people, you either share or wait until everyone eats. Mentioning Toriel was a little painful for the both of you. Finishing the pie you both sit in silence.

"Chara...I don't understand you, I want to trust you but I can't. Help me, help me remember you."

Chara look a little shocked but nodded, she had a light smile on her lips.

"Once upon a time there was a little girl, that little girl had a family who loved her very, very much... One day that little girl made a foolish decision. She decided she'd pick her mother and father the most beautiful flowers in their village; Without telling anyone she fled to the forest hoping to retrieve them before anyone noticed...But...A man, a selfish, sadistic, cruel and, merciless man came and tried to take her away. Screaming and crying she begged, oh how she begged to be freed and see her parents no matter how she pleaded the man was relentless." Tears cascaded down Chara cheeks,she tried to keep her composure. Watching her expressions and listening to her story you remained silent.

"Eventually the man fell asleep giving the girl a chance to run, she ran back to her village to find ash...She found ashes, the little girl laughed at the irony. Her village was small and she used to be called rosy because of her rosy cheeks, and the kids would sing that nursery rhyme; 'Ring around the rosy, a pocket of posies ashes, ashes they all fall down.' Her little village had all came falling down in a pile of ashes, that was the first chip at her sanity." Chara's smile had turned into a pained face as she continued on with the despairing tale.

"The little girl found herself upon an orphanage where she was picked on and called a demon because of her scarlet eyes, the children made the once beautiful nursery rhyme a sickening and disturbing song. 'Ring around the rosy a pocketful of posies, ashes, ashes they all fall down.' They teased her about her cheeks and weird coloured eyes. Chipping off another piece of her sanity. One day a beautiful girl with (S/c) skin, the most curious (e/c) eyes and, very interesting (h/c) hair. This girl was three years older than the little girl, This girl was now family and looked after the little girl, we'll call her Onee San. Together they could take on the world, Oneesan unfortunately had a terrible memory problem causing her to forget memories with the little girl. Oneesan was adopted when she was twelve leaving the little girl all alone and vulnerable, the little girl had lost all she cared for, she was all alone. Chipping the very last piece of her grip on life, so she wanted an end to this nightmare. She walked to the famous Mt. Ebott and jumped but survived, hurt and broken she met a monster, monsters were said be a legend but the little girl met one. How? Out of everyone in the Underground how did the little girl end up lucky enough to be found by the prince of monsters and become apart of the royal family? Slowly she regained bits in pieces of her sanity with the help of her new family. Once again the little girl made a foolish decision, she wanted to free the monsters, they deserved a happy ending. She once again wanted to pick the beautiful flowers she desired for her mother and father and give them as a gift to the monsters, so she sacrificed herself to give them her gift. What she didn't expect was for her brother to die, the prince died by the cruel, and relentless humans. She broke, she became an irremediable mess, that little girl was me, Chara."

A/n: Now you guys know a little more about Chara's past, I love telling stories in my stories. Some of you said you like fluff so here ya go <3

Love you all so much <3 <3 <3

Jae Away >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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