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Laura💄: Hey Seirra!
MarksBae❤️: What?
Laura💄: Fuck you!
MarksBae❤️: What the hell did I do
Laura💄: It got out which means you told someone!
Kinsley👑: Guys stop we can't have this in the group chat!
Laura💄: Why cause you help her... I DIDNT TELL ANYONE BUT YOUR GUYS!
Saggy🙈: What's going on?
Jaclyn💍: Jacob you might not wanna get in this!
Saggy🙈: it's my girlfriend I deserve to know what's happening!
MarksBae❤️: I don't think so
Maaacie💩: What's going on
Laura💄: Minds well tell you all this isn't gonna stop!
Kinsley👑: Laura don't
Laura💄: To bad... I was raped!
Ash🌸: Omg your lying stop!
Laura💄: Fuck you all nobody cares goodbye everyone and goodbye life...

Laura💄 Left the chat

That was the last thing Laura said before committing suicide.

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