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Cece🐘: Hey everyone.. I am going to be going to playlist.
Catty🐈: Yay and did we find out the rooms.
WifiWifey💬: Not yet!

[Real Life]

Seirra's Pov

I was waiting in the airport with Tyler for everyone one else to get here. "Are you sure you wanna go on this tour?"Tyler asked. "Yeah why wouldn't I?" I asked. "Mark is going." Tyler answered. "It's not Mark I am mad at and that I disliked its Ashley.... And if Mark hates me he can suck it up!" I said.

Cece😘 and Tyler🤑 were added to Playlist Groupchat

Cece😘: We have our own Groupchat for Playlist?
Corbyn👙: Yeah.... And who chose my Emoji?
Jackson🐨: Me!
Corbyn👙: Fuck you Jackson.
Cece😘: This Groupchat is going to be lit!
Nathan🌈: Corbyn just change it!
Corbyn👙: Oh yeah

Corbyn👙 changed his name to Corbyn🍰

Cookie🍪: Btw This Cat... And Corbyn is Cake!
Mario☔️: Who picked your name and stuff?
Jonas☀️: Me!
Cookie🍪: Awe
Nick🎤: Is everyone on their plane?
Geo🔥: Yep
Loren🔥: I'm with Geo
Geo🔥: Babe look out Emojis match.
Edwin☃: I'm a snowman
Kylee⭐️: Im'a star.
Gab🌚: Why am I dark Moon?
Kaycee🌝: Cause I'm light Moon.
Mad😡: WTF!
Cece😘: Lol Maddie
NickH🙄: Rolling eyes

Macie💕 was added to Magcon Groupchat

Macie💕: Holy Shit Monster our very own GroupChat
DilPickle🍆: WTF is a Shit Monster
Macie💕: A Monster that eats Shit!
Joe😈: I am not gonna asked
Henry👅: She's my Girlfriend and I don't even wanna ask
Macie💕: An I the only girl on this tour
CamCam👀: Aaron is a girl well at least sometimes
Airon🌬: What the Fuck Cameron.
Mattsaurs🐲: I'm a Dino
LittleRowland👶🏻: Wow thanks Taylor!
TayTaySwift🗣: Lol.
Henry👅: Lol Henry is mine.

Jaclyn🐻 Was added to Musers

Beiber😍: I am not Justin Beiber for the last time people gosh!
Ariel🤗: Sorry Justin😂😂
Kristen💃🏼: I live for my emoji
Jaclyn🐻: Groupchat for our Tour!
Maria🙉: Lol love the emoji Ariel!
HanBan🐷: Lol!
Tayler🐌: SNAIL!
Derek📹: Video Camera.

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