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Magcon GroupChat

Seirra🌚: I am leaving Magcon today!
Macie💕: Really?
Joe😈: Yeah and me too....
CamCam👀: Wait why is Joey leaving?
Seirra🌚: He is coming with me to playlist...
TayTaySwift🗣: Why?
Joe😈: Cause I want to 👌🏼
Henry👅: Yeah ok bye guys
Blake🐾: Have fun!
Seirra🌚: Joey is going to be sharing a room with........
Joe😈: Who
Macie💕: I bet it's either Mark or Weston!
Seirra🌚: You are sharing with... the new person that's coming on!
Joe😈: Which is?
Seirra🌚: That Papa Ricco dude... jk you are sharing with Mark cause zach left!
Macie💕: The one that does the FuckBoy musicallys?
Joe😈: Ooh ima learn a little from him!😝
Airon🌬: ✝️ YALL NEED JESUS ✝️
Seirra🌚: I know but he's not coming anyway... we'll talk to y'all later me and JoeJoe have to get on our plane!
Cartata🤓: Ima miss my room buddie!
Seirra🌚: Bye Ratata
Cartata🤓: Bye Jartata
Macie💕: Y'all are messed up!

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