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Playlist GroupChat

Cece😘: Who's in which rooms?
Nick🎤: Yeah.
Tyler🤑: What are they?
Nick🎤: Geo,Loren,Seirra, and Tyler....Me,Maddie,Edwin,Kylee...Mario and Weston.... Mark And Zach...Rudan and Timmy....Jonas and Cat....Nick and Triston.....Simon and Nathan.... Corbyn and Jackson
Cece😘: YAY!!!
Loren🔥: I'm with GEO and SEIRRA. And Tyler too.
Tyler🤑: BESTIE
Mark😼: Seirra can I talk to you in the a Private Message?
Cece😘: Yeah!

Contacts for them in each others phone

MarkybuttHole🍑: I'm sorry that I cheated on you.. Ashley kissed me and I kissed her and then we started dating... I didn't know you were going to come back as soon as you did
Babe💕: Mark I'm not mad at you I know how Ashley is... It's just I have feeling for Tyler he just hasn't asked me out yet.. I sorry can we still be friends?
MarkybuttHole🍑: Yeah, but I will always love you and I will be here if you need me!
Babe💕: Love you to Mark same here.

Magcon GroupChat

Cartata🤓: Hey when does our tour Start?
TayTaySwift🗣: We leave tomorrow to go to Washington D.C
Cartata🤓: Kk thanks!
JJ😛: We be Singing How We Living
JG😝: That's right bitches
Macie💕: Language I am still young!
Joe😈: Yeah we is still little!
Airon🌬: I will jump in here...... They definitely have a right to say what they want
LittleRowland👶🏻: You ruined it all Aaron!
Henry👅: Shut up LittleRowland.

Muser GroupChat

Beiber😍: Morning Tour that didn't start yet
Ashley💁🏼: Bitches
Maria🙉: Fuck you Ashley first you ruin Mario then you ruin my sisters life I will not let you treat these people like Shit!
Derek📹: Oh Damn shit just went down.
HanBan🐷: You ruined my boyfriend's Bestfriend and he still can't trust him!
Ashley💁🏼: I'm sorry I ruined Mario and I am So fucking Sorry Mark chose me over Your ugly sister!
Ariel🤗: Guys not here.
Maria🙉: You know what we will do it hear just so every boy her knows not to hook up with this fucking Slut!
Ashley💁🏼: I'm the Slut!
Maria🙉: Oh Hun if your calling me a Slut how many guys have you dated in the past month?
Ashely💁🏼: 7
Tayler🐌: Oooh Damn why is she even going on this tour.
Jaclyn🐻: She's a famous Muser like the rest of us
Beiber😍: Damn!

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