His Legacy.

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Tanaka Ryunosuke was five years old the first time he witnessed the miracle that was Ennoshita Chikara on stage.
His parents had decided "What better way to spend a day out than to go and watch a bunch of kids playing instrument too big for them?" But now, Ryu was glad he didn't make them go somewhere else.

As he leaned over the next seat, lights in his eyes and his mouth open in a wide grin, he almost looked comical. Ryu watched as Chikara's hands glided over the strings of his violin, belting out bar after bar of pure beauty, Ryu couldn't help but act starstruck.

On the way out, Ryu turned to his parents.
"I wanna play the piano!" He stated, his eyes still starry, a grin still covering his face.
His mother chuckled.
"Why the piano? You seemed very interested in the violin, dear."
"Because if I play violin, I can't play with the guy who won!" He waved his arms around, emphasizing how much it meant to him. His mother smiled happily, squeezing his cheeks.
"We'll think about it, though I'm not promising anything!" She teased, as Ryu whined in protest. He then skipped ahead, chasing after his sister who'd challenged him to a race.


"I'm sorry, it's not good news."

Ryu sat there, motionless. He glanced over to his left, at his mother, hand clamped over her mouth. His father had his arm protectively wrapped around her, as if that would change anything.
He glanced to his right, where his sister sat, holding his hand and trying to look brave, despite her watery eyes.

He couldn't feel much. He was vaguely aware of the doctor explaining everything, his mother's muffled crying, his sister's crushing grip on his hand.

He should be thinking about the fact that he won't live another ten years, he probably won't even live another five, if it doesn't calm.
All he can think about is how he wants to go home, and play til' the sunsets, and play til' the sun rises, and then play a little bit more, because after all, he only has a small amount of time left.

But then he stops thinking for a while.

Because he decides a ten year old shouldn't have to think this much.


Ryu is fifteen years old, chasing a panting Chikara around the school.

"Please, please, pleaseeeee?" He practically begs, keeping a firm grip on his music sheets.
Chikara trips, yelping as he falls. He groans loudly.
"Fine, fine." He almost yells, rubbing his eyes. Ryu cheers, jumping up and down.

Chikara can't help but smile slightly.


Chikara gently plays the violin, humming along to old children's tunes. Ryu sits next to him, practicing his piece on the piano.
His tongue is out in concentration as he tries to keep the tempo steady, trying to stop himself from speeding ahead.
Chikara glances over, a smile claiming his face.


Crowds of people are on their feet, clapping and whooping. The boys move to the front of the stage, hands clasped, and bow. Ryu is laughing his head off when they make their way off stage, which causes Chikara to snort, and then burst into laughter himself.

Ryu thinks he could get used to this.


Chikara stands by the school gates a week later, waiting for Ryu. When he doesn't shoe up, even after the bell rings, Chikara's stomach drops. He pads into school, wandering like a puppy for the remaining hours.

Then the whispers start.

"Hey, Kinoshita, did you hear about Tanaka? Apparently, he collapsed last night. The teachers were talking about it."

"What? No way!"

Chikara's heart stops.


"Yeah, he's in hospital right now. I hope he's alright, he's a pretty cool guy."

The bell rings, and chikara almost breaks his deal jumping up. He rushes out ahead of everyone else, running straight out of the school.


Ryu's room is small.
"But at least it has a big window," He thinks, bunching up the sheets in his hand.
He screeches as someone runs straight into his door, not having the common sense to open it first.

Chikara swings the door open, a big red mark on his forehead. He breathes heavily, his hair and uniform messed up, satchel half open.
Ryu snickers weakly, his hand raising to cover his mouth.

"You idiot! I was so worried, I thought you'd really really hurt yourself! Chikara practically falls onto the chair beside Ryu's bed, huffing. Ryu smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes.

"I'll be fine."

Chikara shifts lightly in the chair. He rests his forehead on the edge of the bed, taking Ryu's hand.

"Promise?" He whispers, almost inaudible.
Ryu bites his lip, feeling guilt grab at him.



Chikara stands in the hall, in front of the crowds. They murmur to each other, turning into twisted shadows and nonsensical sounds.

"Where's the pianist? They surely won't allow this to go ahead."

But then Chikara lifts his violin. He holds it to his chin, hand ready, the bow hovering.

And then he plays. He plays, even though he can no longer hear the notes. But when the notes stop coming to him, Ryu flashes before his eyes.

And Chikara plays on.


Two days later, Chikara stands in front of a patch of dirt and a stone. He clutches a letter in one hand, biting his lip so hard, he can taste blood.
Gingerly, he wipes his lip, taking a shaky breath.
"Numbskull, you should have told me sooner." He let's out a sob mixed with a weak laugh.
Chikara sits down, pulling at the grass.
"They disqualified me from the competition. A violinist without accompaniment is not a violinist at all."
Chikara rubs his eyes, tears staining his face.

"The guys are waiting for me. I'll come back tomorrow, though." He says softly, standing.

"Bye, Ryu." Chikara smiles, nodding at the grave.
He leaves, grasping a letter in one hand, a letter that was written to show the affection of a boy who could not.

Goodbye, Chikara. I love you.

AnYways, thank you guys so much for 2.48k, its much appreciated <3
Because I'm going into my exam year in school, I have no idea how frequent my updates will be, unfortunately. I hope you all are ok with that, because as much as I'd like to, I can't change it. aNywaYs, bai for now!! <333

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