Set the fire.

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His glare could burn anything in his path.
His strength could knock down any obstacle in his way.
His determination could waver that of even the greatest soldier.

His weaknesses would be his downfall.

His first weakness was his loyalty. He was similar to that of a guard dog, following all orders.
His second weakness was his intelligence. He wasn't dense, but he wouldn't be considered a genius either.

His third weakness had a name.

His name was Tendou Satori.

Tendou would be the main cause of his downfall.
The way he joked, the way he smiled, the way he laughed.

The way he cried, the way he scrunched up his face when he got angry, the way he ignored people when he wasn't in the mood.

The way he said every individual name with a different tone.
He still couldn't get used to Tendou saying his name. The way Tendou's eyes lit up when he said;


And no, Ushijima was not being self-centered when he said Tendou's eyes lit up. In fact, he was acting discreetly.
Tendou's entire persona lit up. Whenever Ushijima was around, he smiled more, laughed more, talked more. The way he screamed and pointed when Ushijima smiled or laughed at one of Tendou's jokes. And of course, Tendou's screaming led to Ushijima smiling wider or laughing louder.

Though Ushijima had a fourth weakness.

He held fear.

Of course, it wasn't visible from the outside, as he'd grown used to concealing it. His fear made him hesitate. His fear was the reason he had little to no friends. His fear was the reason that when Tendou grabbed him by the collar and kissed him so hard Ushijima thought he would faint, he almost fell over he moved so fast back.
Now, it wasn't that he didn't like Tendou, he did.
His fear wasn't love.
It was heartbreak.
He'd felt it many, many times before. He felt it every time Shiratorizawa destroyed a team in a match. He saw the fallen faces of their competitors, bowing respectfully despite their shaking frames and the odd tear. Ushijima felt heartbreak every time his parents 'forgot' to show up to a match. Though he'd stopped expecting anything from them after they failed to come to his twenty seventh one.

About halfway through his second year, he decided one night after staring aimlessly at a wall for three hours that he wouldn't fall in love. He decided that despite the raging crush he already had on Tendou, he'd push it down and put it under lock and key. Ushijima stopped noticing the little things Tendou did everyday. He stopped noticing Tendou's little jokes, the way they bumped shoulders. Yet he somehow always managed to notice the sad look in Tendou's eyes every time Ushijima caught him staring.

Back to their first kiss.
One month in to third year, Tendou snapped. He grabbed Ushijima by the sleeve and yanked him through the building, up to the roof.
Ushijima listened, for the first time in a while as Tendou shouted and shoved and sobbed and repeated;


Ushijima couldn't help himself. He placed a hand on Tendou's cheek, his lock having been broken. Tendou quickly calmed, sniffled quietly and focused his gaze on the ground.

Then Tendou kissed him.

And when Ushijima pushed him away, Tendou finally understood. He didn't know how, but he understood.

They took their time. Big things like kissing, Ushijima couldn't handle just yet. But he smiled more often and found laughter easier. He felt butterflies every time Tendou grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers as they walked through the streets.

A month before graduation, Tendou said three words.

Two weeks later, Ushijima said them back.

On the day of graduation, this time Ushijima grabbed Tendou by the collar and kissed him, while the entire school cheered them on as they were in the middle of the stage after all.

A few months later, Ushijima wandered around his college campus, slightly, but not completely lost. He yelped as someone tackled him to the ground.
"Ushijima, you idiot! The cafeteria is that way!" Tendou laughed, pointing in the direction he came from. Ushijima snickered, shoving Tendou off of him. He stands, holding out a hand. Tendou takes it, grinning.

"Why, thank you kind prin-"

Ushijima let's go of his hand, Tendou yelping as he falls back onto the grass. Tendou sits up, pouting. A leaf sticks up from the back of his head, and Ushijima bursts into Laughter.
Tendou smiles, and does the same.

It's a solid twenty minutes before they stop laughing and finally make their way to the cafeteria.

A/N whOoo boi I'm shook
Haikyuu season three is officially out, episode one has already made me cry, and im sending all my apologies for not updating ages. AnYways, thank you all for reading my crappy story, love you all  <3

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