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 [A/N]: The beginnings are always kind of slow, so bare with me here! I just wanna get some of the backstory over with before I get to introduce Drew (we'll see him either in the third or fourth chapter).

So yeah!

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- kelly_1231



            "Thank you for choosing to fly with us this afternoon and we apologize for the slight delay," the flight attendant says on the speakers. I let out a loud snort because the "slight delay" was almost half an hour late. "Our trip to Detroit is around thirteen hours and we will be arriving there around one in the morning. We will be serving dinner in a few hours, and just as we are about to take flight, please fasten your seat-belt, turn off any electronics, and watch the safety video on the television screen in front of you. Once again, we thank you for choosing to fly with us."

            I let out a small sigh as I reluctantly take off my headphones and turn off my phone. 

            If there is one thing in this world that can calm my nerves it is listening to music, and the fact that I will not be able to use my phone until the plane is up in the air is quite nerve-wrecking. But I guess I should have been expecting this considering the fact that I had to go to through the same process coming to Japan. But then again, knowing everything that is suppose to happen never really did anything good for my anxiety, anyway.

            "You're visiting family members in the States for Christmas, right?" asks the old lady asks from beside me in Japanese. When I turn to look at her, she is giving me a warm smile and I can't help but smile back.

            "No, Detroit is just one of my stops. I'm transferring to another plane that will take me to Toronto," I reply in English. I then laugh. "And I'm not visiting, actually. I'm coming back home."

            "Oh!" the old lady exclaims, her sharp eyes growing wide with surprise. "You are Canadian?"

            I smile, nodding.

            The lady lets out a sweet melody-like laughter just as a flight attendant walks by us, making sure our seat-belts were on. The flight attendant immediately stops in her place when she realizes that I haven't even bothered to put it on and rudely scolds me in Japanese like a child to quickly fasten my seat-belt. I do as I am told, and just as she walks away, I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to the old lady sitting beside me.

            "So you were visiting family members in Japan?" asks the old lady.

            I nodded. "I came to surprise my grandparents, and I would have stayed longer if it weren't for the fact that my parents want me back home for Christmas." I then shrug just as a clutter of good memories starts to fill my thoughts from my three week vacation in Japan. I quickly shake them off, knowing very well that I will get too attached to the thought of simply staying in Japan with my grandparents and cousins. "What about you? Are you visiting family members in the States?" I ask the old lady.

            She gives me a small smile. "I have a transferring flight to Boston," she replies. "but I do not think I will be able to see my family by Christmas as I hoped."

            My lips pull down to slight frown. "Why not?" I ask. "Boston's only a few hours away from Detroit by plane--"

            "Haven't you heard?" asks the old lady, narrowing her dark eyes in my direction. "There's a terrible snow storm that's happening right now over there. The news says that some flights in Detroit will either be delayed or cancelled for some quite time."

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