6. From Beyond the Grave...

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Austin smiled sweetly to the customers as they looked over at him. They'd come into the shop right as he and Myrna were in the midst of a crucial, life or death conversation. Still, he pretended as if their intrusion was not dastardly and waited patiently for them to find what they were looking for and leave. Once they had, all the pleasantries fell from his face and he focused back on his redheaded friend, though she seemed to be exhausted with the conversation. In fact, she was disheartened that her patrons finished up as quickly as they had.

"But you didn't tell her no, I mean, you have to be blunt with her, she doesn't understand the games we play sometimes to avoid hurting each other's feelings." Austin raised his eyebrows at her in hopes of making his words stick.

"Qui'hara's smart, I'd wager that she got the message when I explained I only cared about her as a friend." It wasn't that Myrna minded talking to Austin about it, it was just that she was uncomfortable about it altogether and it was giving her much grief. Not uncomfortable by their demon friend's advances, of course, just uncomfortable because she knew Austin was right-she was never very good at making her intentions clear. Myrna did love Qui'hara in a way, and she had a hard time trying to walk a fine line without hurting her.

"Better pray that you're right." With a shrug Austin rearranged the books that the customers had disorganized when they had been looking. He remained quiet for a long time, wondering if the thought that lingered in the back of his mind would hurt her to bring up. "What about Cliff?"

"I don't quite know what you mean, I haven't been to see him in a few days." It was true that Myrna did not infer the intent behind his question. "Last I checked he was good, still not ready to talk to me though."

"Good, I'm glad he's doing alright. But that's not what I meant. I was asking if Cliff got the message," his eyes were hard and they saw inside of her, to the vibrant rose that was starting to blossom.

"No, I don't believe he has," again, though for different reasons, she was uncomfortable with the discussion. It had never been her intent to develop feelings for Cliff like she had-she knew what was still there-but it wasn't anything that she could control. However she had thought she'd buried it deep enough, kept their interactions as plutonic as she could, so she wasn't exactly sure how Austin knew. "Not that I want him to."

"Why?" He thought he knew the answer to that already, but if he was correct then it shouldn't matter. Nina was gone, Cliff might mourn her but that didn't mean that Myrna had no right to feel the way she did about him. It didn't mean she had to be ashamed. He wished to tell her that but he didn't get the chance, the words stolen right from his lips as the boisterous exclamations of a certain Radrora demon overpowered him.

"Perfect! Just the two people I was looking for," the look that covered Dill's face was odd, like he was full of joy while at the same time being full of absolute shock and disbelief. That proved to be an apt description, because after his initial statement he seemed to be lost for words.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Myrna shuffled over to him in curiosity, looking behind him to see if he was in the company of Lorelei. He wasn't.

"I swear to whichever god you name that you're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you," now he grinned, laughing in a bit of mania. Again Austin's words were cut short when he went to clarify.

"Boo!" The voice came from behind him and he jumped, startled, and spun around with great aggression. Fortunately Percy was just as transparent as the last time that they had seen her, so his fist went right through and did no harm. She cackled at their expressions.

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