8. When It Comes to the Man You Love

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Even with all five of them, it still proved to be too much. The super soldiers only seemed to be getting stronger, and the powers that they possessed via Austin's blood only made them that much more formidable. Qui'hara jumped out of the way as one expelled a series of spikes at her. Another kept those same spikes attached to its arm, using them as an extra advantage in melee combat against Lorelei. Toby was also forced to fight them hand to hand, knowing that they had immunity to his flame. Myrna was the only one who stood back, using her magical attacks from afar. Even Austin was down in the trenches with the rest of the gang, utilizing the newest tactics that his demonic tutor had shown him.

"They're too strong." Lorelei warned, trying to keep her cool as she was struck across the face, the spikes tearing the flesh and sending her to the ground. It was her first confrontation with the super soldiers, and though they had been described for her she hadn't believed it until now, seeing them face to face. They were purely human once, to think they could've become so unrecognizable was next to impossible for her. Yet they were, their skin shriveled and peeled away from the muscle and bone underneath. Swollen flesh around sunken sockets that hid beady, black eyes. Lips corroded back to reveal sharp, uneven teeth.

"Do not give in!" Of course it was Qui'hara who spurred them on, refused to let them retreat even though the battle seemed lost. It was fortunate that she was with them, because they were all sure that without her there would be no hope. It wasn't just her prowess with her sword that made her unstoppable, but the inhuman edge her innate abilities gave her. She used them now, closing the third eye on the back of her head and bending the enemies' field of vision around her. When she'd maneuvered out of reach of her opponent she opened it again, striking with her blade.

"We don't have a choice, we can't keep up." Toby hated to have to be the one to throw in the towel, but he knew they were outmatched. At least they'd battled the super soldiers long enough to allow the innocent bystanders to escape-that was a victory in itself. Yet the truth was that had it been him, had it been just him or Myrna, Lorelei, or Qui'hara, he would've fought to a bloody end. But it wasn't, and even though he tried, even though he said nothing, he was worried about something happening to Austin. Even if Austin seemed to be holding out just fine-a result of the battle technique he was using that was eerily similar to the demoness.

That was not lost on Toby.

"Hold the line," Austin commanded back, refusing to accept the defeat. He felt like he was on fire, like he could fight on for an infinite amount of time. Whether that was from his newfound skill, his bravado, or the fresh demon blood coursing through his veins, he was unsure. Still, he did not want to give in, and he knew that eventually they would be forced to return to their creator, even if it wasn't out of defeat. That, or reinforcements would arrive. Relatively speaking. It already seemed strange that Angel and her group hadn't shown up yet, usually they were quicker at responding to the distress around the city.

"Fall back." There was no kindness in his voice when Toby wrestled for control.

"Not yet." Again Austin was defiant.

"Come on, guys. We've got to get out of here!" Myrna launched a radiant beam from her palms, creating a flash that was powerful enough to knock the super soldier who was about to attack them from behind several feet away. With a few more flicks of her wrist she sent out more blasts, each of them finding a target. Her grimoire floated in the air next to her, and she swiped her fingers, causing the pages to turn hastily until she got to what she wanted. When she found the newest spell she had been working on she chanted the Latin words that were written down to try it out, watching as a small whirlwind kicked up and drew the enemies in.

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