you did that?

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Dad and Izzy gets up from the table and lead me and Ty to our new bedrooms.We follow them up the stairs,we pass a Mai's bedroom then Cameron's then we come to Ty's bedroom with his name on it like everyone's else's.

He goes in with dad,then I turn around and there is mine Izzy opens it.There is a single bed in ine corner with fairy lights around the bed, then on the right side is a built in wardrobe with pink flowers going up the side.The a few cabinets with a desk.

Izzy smiles "I hope you like it"

30 mins later...

As we head down the stairs we go in the kitchen to just all talk about random things.I see Izzy get the vacuum out so I get up and go over and get it out.she smiles.I plug it in and hover the kitchen floor then I unplug it.

After I did that I couldn't help see there were in paired socks on a desk in the corner of the kitchen.I hate mess,I really do.So I went over and started folding them which only took five minutes.It wasn't that hard.I noticed the others stopped speaking.

I turn around and there all staring at me."How are you doing all of this without taking a break?"Cameron says.I start playing with my thumbs."when I was living with mum she was hardly ever there,when she was she was with Lisa going to beauty pageants or getting ready.So when I went shopping cleaned the house and gave Ty money to get the bus to school or sometimes I walked him.So I did make food and cleaned the bathrooms and everything."

Dad chokes."You did all of that?You won't have to do that anymore Sarah.Youve got to focus on college."I smile.

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