Chapter 3

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Katelyn's POV
Travis was asleep and I was guarding and steering the ship,sometimes I wonder why Travis says what he does....... I wanna know what he meant because I could tell in his eyes he couldn't do it..... wait.... what the hell!!! Ugh just forget it but anyway it's been a few hours and I decided to make breakfast and get Travis up to do the guard job today so I can sleep.
~°•°After breakfast°•°~
"Travis, what did you want to tell me last night?" Travis looked at me and looked away in silence so I shrugged and cleaned up breakfast and decided to practice my sword skills.
~°•°Time Skip From TEMMIE°•°~
So it's been awhile since I was up on deck so I went to see what Travis is doing but he wasn't there..... I looked and I found him hitting a sword on the table with a hammer. "What are you doing Travis?" "Fixing my sword in case we need to battle but if you want, I can fix other stuff since i was trained in blacksmithing." Hmmmm neat well maybe he can fix some armour just in case ya know? "There's some armour in the chest you can fix up when you have free time" "ok well I'll do it tommrow night since your guarding tommrow, I just needed a quick fix up on my sword but anyway, I made lunch for ya Katelyn, it's in the fridge, top shelf." Travis left and I went to the fridge and grabbed the sandvich.
(yes I said sandvich 😄)
~°•°Time Skip From Undyne 😂°•°~
After I ate lunch I decided to clean up, there's not a lot to clean, but I like to clean. I guess before I go to bed since I'm really tired, I'll ask Travis something. I found Travis watching the sun set....... he's right, the sky is beautiful at this time. "Travis, please tell me what you wanted to say to me last night, it's bugging me and I can't sleep unless I know, I'm really tired please please please tell me!!!" "Katelyn I. ... I can't tell you, if you found out I......" "What???? Tell me please Travis I'm begging you and I rarely do this!!" "Katelyn...... at midnight to 6 am I...." "YOU WHAT!!! TELL ME ALREADY" "promise you won't do anything to harm me?" "i Promise Travis!" "Katelyn I am a...."

♡hey guys hope you enjoyed this also I'll be writing 5 chapters a day but posting 1 a day also I'm not gonna cancel young love but I may put it on hold until school starts so I'll have alot of chapters written by then so 😂😂 any way the story by it self was 400 words but what I'm saying is 100 words by itself 😂😂 anyway thanks for voting for my stories 😄 means a lot but also DON'T SKIP CHAPTERS I'M SERIOUS OK?? READ THEM IN ORDER OR I'LL STOP MAKING CHAPTERS!!! Luv ya Boi! ♡

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