Chapter 11. A Rescue Nightmare???

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Katelyn's POV
I woke up feeling sick, I got out of bed and noticed we set sail. I went around the ship looking for Travis, he wasn't there...... I looked up and saw someone on the platform on the sail pole. I climbed up and saw Jeffory!! WHAT THE IRENE IS GOING ON!!!
"Your awake...... jeez took ya long enough"
"How long. ... and where are we headed"
"Mmmmm 2 weeks and we're heading to my home, the nether."
"You'll love it there!!! I'll even kill u and make u a shadow knight"
"Give it some time and soon you'll want to be one!"
"I hate when you talk about him, anyway umm I was nice and decided to get him off the island and trap him down stairs, he can watch me kill u and then u become one of me!"
I don't care anymore!!! I bolted down into the bottom of the boat, Travis was there in the cell......
"Go away Jeffory......"
"Its not Jeffory"
Travis turned around and smiled at me!!
"Katelyn...... I'm sorry I failed to protect you"
"You didn't fail..... you still can"
"The keys are in the barrel"
I went over to the barrels quietly and grabbed the keys, perfect now to....... really..... REALLY
"Ok, I need your sword because he took myn"
"Ok......Travis... be safe ok?"
"I will"
Travis climbed up the ladder and I heard yelling, I couldn't tell what they were saying because I hid in case Travis loses......I know he won't...... He's strong and I belive in him.......... I can't lose him now........ The fighting went on for what seems like forever but then.... Travis fell down and so did jeffory! They were both down here so I was trying to stay extra quiet and hidden.
"Well now, I guess we do have to kill echother since non of us will give up"
"I'd never give up, no matter how injured I would be, I'd fight till I die!"

Travlyn ~°•°Wip°•°~Where stories live. Discover now