Chapter 32

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    I was holding Chelsea's hand as she slept on the hospital bed. She was going to be alright. Thankfully, she was going to be able to leave the hospital in a few days. I felt relieved by the idea, but with what happened yesterday I found myself anxious.

    Peter hadn't said anything to me since I told Haiden to run. He wouldn't even look at me, which made me know he was ashamed of me. I hated the thought, but I couldn't help who I loved. Haiden was there for me and he was still there for me, so I had to save his life. There was no questioning it.

   "Luna, we need to talk," Peter said, catching me off guard.

    I whipped my head to look at him from where I sat next to Chelsea's bed. He looked solemn and tired, which made my heart drop. The whole situation with The Demons was taking its tole on him and I felt bad for not knowing who's side I was on.

    "Okay, what about?" I asked quietly.

    "Why did you protect Haiden?" Peter asked, holding nothing back. "What is he to you?"

    I looked away, unable to admit the truth with eye contact. I couldn't believe everyone was finding out about my little secret. After five years, it was unbelievable and it was the last thing I wanted, seeing that Peter wouldn't be happy.

    "He was a friend of mine," I said, fear clenching my heart. "Peter, I swear he's not a bad guy. He's just been through a lot and-"

    "We're going to start a war with them," Peter cut in, causing me to freeze. "In a week, we're going to where they are and we're going to wipe them out. We're done with their crimes."

    My eyes flew wide with horror and I gaped at Peter, unable to believe what he said. He couldn't be serious. He couldn't kill them. I wouldn't let it happen.

    But before I could say anything, Peter said, "And you're not coming. You seem to be attached to Haiden, so I don't know who's side you're on. Because of that you're fired from the demon hunters."

    "What? That's not the way to go!" I exclaimed in disbelief. "You can't be serious!"

    "You can't be serious," Peter shot back. "I'm so disappointed in you Luna. He's a criminal. A killer. How could you care about him?"

    "You guys are killers too!"

    Peter winced at those words, but he didn't say anything. He just shook his head, looking incredibly disappointed, which left me hurting. I hated disappointing him, but there was nothing I could do.

    "There's going to be a war and you're not going to be a part of it," Peter said after a bit. "End of story."

    He turned around and left the room, leaving me sitting in my spot, upset. I looked at Chelsea and sighed lightly, knowing she would be more understanding. She had always been the more understanding one, which made me miss her. As my eyes teared up, I wondered what I would do.

    There was no way I could just let my guardians begin a war with The Demons. No way when it would probably be a hundred of them versus five of The Demons. Although The Demons were strong, there was no way they could handle that many fighters.

    Sitting there in silence, I pondered over what I would do for half an hour on my own. I couldn't come up with a solution however, which left me feeling helpless. There had to be something I could do to make everyone happy, but yet there was nothing I could think of.

    "Luna, hey," Blake said, bringing my attention to him as he walked towards me. "What's wrong?"

    I looked at him, feeling my heart ache. I loved my family, but I also loved Haiden. Both groups I wanted to make happy, but yet I didn't know how. I really needed to talk to someone, so I decided to talk to Blake.

    "Did you know that the demon hunters are going to begin a war with The Demons?" I asked.

    "Yeah," Blake answered, grabbing a chair and bringing it next to me. "I did."

    "Do you think this is the way to go?" I stared into his eyes, hoping he understood how much the situation bothered me. "Do you think everything will be solved with a war?"

    "The Demons will be wiped out with a war. That'll stop all the problems they keep bringing to our town."

    I looked away, knowing Blake thought a war was the way to go. Everyone seemed to want to wipe out The Demons, which sucked. It sucked because The Demons were just a misunderstood group. They didn't deserve death, even if they were far from perfect.

    "Look, I know you have feelings for that Haiden guy," Blake said, breaking the silence I created. "But... You need to stop caring about him. He's done so much wrong to our town. No one feels safe anymore because of him and his gang. When his gang is eliminated, everything in our town will go back to normal. Everyone will be happy again."

    Maybe he was right about the townspeople not feeling safe, but he was wrong to think that The Demons were wrecking havoc on the entire town. They were just getting revenge on the people who hurt them. Everyone but those people were safe.

    "You know, they're not bad people," I said. "Do you know why they're killing members of the demon hunters?"

    "No, I was never given a reason." Blake frowned. "Why?"

    "Because the demon hunters killed Haiden and another member's entire village. I don't know why the other members are a part of this, but the entire gang is just trying to avenge the death of innocents."

    Blake seemed caught of guard by the information I gave him as he stared at me, stunned. I stared back, hoping he'd switch sides. Being the only person on both sides sucked and it was getting lonely, so I hoped that I would at least have Blake to help me.

    "What? My dad never told me that," Blake said.

    "I'm not even sure he knows that's why The Demons do what they do," I mumbled honestly. "But still. It's the demon hunters that started this. The Demons don't deserve to die because of the demon hunters mistakes."

    Blake looked conflicted for a moment. He didn't seem to know what to say, but then he looked at his mom and I saw sadness get written across his face. He tensed and from the determine look he suddenly had, I knew I would still be alone.

    "Look, I'm sorry that's what Haiden had to go through," Blake said, eyes softening. "But I can't forgive them after what they did to my mom. I... just can't."

    "That's Taylor," I said, wishing he would change his mind. "He's the only one who actually hurts people."

    "I'm sorry, Luna."

    Blake looked away and I knew there was nothing I could do to convince him otherwise. So sighing lightly, I knew I was on my own. I was going to have to figure out a solution on my own and closing my eyes, I knew that would be tough. But because I loved my family and Haiden, I was willing to give it my all.

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