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One morning Tony, McGee and Ziva were in the bullpen. Tony glanced over at Ziva who looked out of sorts. She looked nervous and scared. Very unlike her. Tony pulled some money out of his pocket and threw it at McGee, "Go get a nutter butter!" McGee hesitated but did as he was told. Tony walked over to the side of Ziva's desk, "You ok?" he asked in a sweet and thoughtful tone. She had been avoiding eye contact, but she couldn't hold back any longer. She looked up at her partner and gazed at him for a brief moment. She felt her heart crumble, but did not let it show. She turned her head to her computer and started typing, "I am fine, Tony." He stared at her for a second with a worried expression then walked back to his own desk. He knew that something was wrong, but he didn't know what to do. Right at that moment Gibbs walked into the room, "Grab your gear. Dead petty officer." Ziva shyly said, "I will be down in a minute." Tony sensed that that was not a good sign. Ziva never said things like that, especially the way she said it. She was always ready to go and very sure of herself. Tony blurted out, "Me too." Ziva looked up in surprise while Tony just sat there and watched her with a worried look on his face. Gibbs turned around and stared at the two of them. He had a confused look, but he just nodded once and walked into the elevator. Once Tony heard the elevator ding he walked back over to Ziva. "Are you sure you're fine?" he questioned. Ziva stood up, gathered her things and walked to the elevator. "I'm ok Tony. Please, just leave me alone for now." She got on the elevator and went down without him. Tony couldn't help but worry about her.

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