Lura - 5

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Lura, I should say, kicked ass that night. The boss knows how to pick his employees well, ones that will come through at the toughest of moments. You need more than guts to be a stripper, that's for sure; you need something in the back of your mind that tells you that nothing will be right unless you pull it off, unless you are the key attraction. You put yourself in the mindset that you and your performance, when the lights are throbbing, thumping, and the music hitting you in the chest like punches in a cage-match, are the only thing keeping the place going. You are what people pay their money for, to see you make the stage your complete bitch and you make the crowd nothing more than slavering, salivating dogs or you find yourself another occupation.

As I had been told many times, and had the experience of knowing first hand, stripping is war.

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