Chapter 3

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It's been 7 years since the corrupted kingdom attacked. Hyo had told everything she knew to Rue and Lanz. Lanz told the other kingdoms about the Corrupted Kingdoms threats. He left out Hyo's play in this of course.
Hyo was 15, Rue 18, and Lanz 19.
Hyo had hung out with Ichiro a lot since the attack. The two were best friends.
Hyo's 16th birthday was coming up and she planned on spending her day with Ichiro.
The little princess had matured fast after her parents death.
The three siblings still had nightmares but other than that the castle had been very cheerful.
Hyo hurried down the halls trying to get to the main room. She opened the door to see Rue sitting on the sofa reading.
"Hi Rue how have you been doing? I don't see you and Lanz much anymore." She said sitting next to him.
Rue looked up at Hyo to see her staring right at him.
"Hyo I know you're not in here for small talk what do you want?" He asked going back to reading his book.
"Humph! How rude I came in here to talk to my dear older brother! How dare you doubt me." She said crossing her arms.
"Hyo." Rue said strictly.
"Fine I came in her to see if any letters had arrived." Hyo spoke looking away blushing.
"Why are you hoping your boyfriend sent you a letter?" Rue asked teasing her.
"Yes actually.. WAIT I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Hyo yelled throwing a pillow at Rue.
The pillow knocked the book out of his hands. After that it was complete silent.
The silent was a killer.
"Look I'm sor-" Hyo was cut off by Rue charging at her.
"DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT." Rue said infuriated.
Hyo tried holding him back.
"IF YOU WANT A FIGHT BRING IT ON STUUPID." Hyo said holding the u.
Right before their brawl Lanz walked in.
"What are you two doing?" He asked with a pile of mail in his hand.
Hyo and Rue straightened up and smiled nervously.
"Nothing.." The two said at the same time.
Lanz strut over and smacked Hyo in the head with the mail.
"You need. To be. Lady like."
Then he turned to Rue and did the same thing.
"You have manner use them.
Now you two apologize."
"I'm sorry Rue."
"I'm sorry Hyo."
Lanz smiled and handed Hyo a letter and placed the rest on the table.
Rue rolled his eyes and picked up his book. He sat back down on the sofa.
Lanz waved his hand, "Gotta go I have business to deal with." He left the room laughing.
Hyo smiled at her letter glad it finally came.
"So what's up with your letter." Rue asked.
Hyo scoffed, "It's from Ichiro last time we talked he promised to send a letter."
"You really like him huh." Rue smirked
"Whatever." Hyo left the room blushing.
She opened the letter walking down the hallway. She was about to read it when she heard a tap on the window. She turned to look only to see a pair of eyes and a smile.
She jumped in surprise and fell on her butt. She hit a small table causing a vase to fall and break.
She stared and the window there was nothing, but the dark cloudy sky. A maid nearby ran over to help.
The maid asked something but she did hear it.
Maybe my imagination..
"Are you okay princess?" The old maid asked trying to help the girl up.
"I'm sorry I got distracted reading and I tripped."
Hyo stood up and brushed out the Wrinkles in her knee high orange skirt.
Two maids were cleaning up the mess.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen." Hyo's voice dripped with guilt.
"It's fine now go to bed its late and you need your beauty sleep." The older maid smiled softly.
"Thank you." Hyo said grabbing the letter she dropped and hurried down the hall way.
"Was it really just my imagination.. Those eyes were so familiar. No it was just my head playing tricks on me." Hyo sighed finally making it to her room. She twist the doorknob and opened the door.
Inside her room the window was open and her bed looked like someone had laid on it. The spot was still warm too.
Hyo checked her desk to see her diary was gone. She noticed there was an envelope with her name on it.
She pushed it aside and hurried to the window.
It was raining making her room cold. Thunder could be heard than a flash of lightning . Hyo began closing her window when strong arms grabbed her waist trying to drag her out.
Hyo's eyes widened with fear as she was pulled closer to him.
"Hyo.." The man whispered in her ear sending shivers down her spine.
"NO!" Hyo yelled pushing him off her and him falling down. She closed her window and locked it.
"I have to tell someone." She said running to her door. She peeked out seeing a pitch black hallway.
"It can wait hopefully." She mumbled closing her door.
She pulled the curtains to cover the window and quickly got dressed in her night gown.
Her heart pounded against her chest. She looked at the two letters on her desk. Should she read the mysterious one first or the one from Ichiro.
She chose the mysterious one and slowly opened it.
Inside laid a torn piece of paper that said, "YOU ARE MINE."
Hyo ripped it into pieces and hid it in her drawer. She looked at the photos that came with it.
It was photos of her dead parents and her back. The rest were photos of her in her room or doing daily things.
"This isn't terrifying." Hyo said putting the photos under her mattress.
Hyo slowly lifted the last thing from the envelope. It was photo of Ichiro in his room. On the back it said, "Tell anyone about this and I'll kill your friend."
Hyo's eyes began to blur with tears.
It was the first time in a while she had felt like this. She couldn't do anything she was trapped.
She could let this stalker in and let it do what it wants or could tell someone and have her best friend die.
Hyo cried knowing she had to let him do what he wanted.
Hyo knocked the envelope and the photo off her desk. She started reading Ichiro's letter,

Dear Hyo,
You'll never be able to guess what I did. I went into town and into that bakery you love so much. So I went there to get a croissant but saw the carrot cake we always share together and ended up buying it. I had to eat it all by myself. I'm definitely looking forward to your birthday I have so much planned.
I've been having this nightmare lately though. It's of you in your room sitting on your bed staring at your window. You looked so scared and I couldn't do anything. I want you to know you can tell me anything I'll always listen.
Anyway the other day the princess of the pink kingdom came over. She put makeup on me she said it fit me well. Then She talked a lot about all the hot dudes in the yellow kingdom. That made me think do you find anyone more attractive than me?  Do you want me to wear make-up I would so wear make up for you.
Any way my cat Max gave birth to kittens. I can't wait for you to see them. There are two girls and one boy. You'll love them they are adorable.
I don't have much to write but I will tell you I miss you to pieces. I can't wait to see you again. I'm so excited to see you.

Hyo calmed down after reading his letter. It was surprising on how he can sense when something is wrong. She scanned it over laughing at some parts.
She looked at the clock it was almost midnight.
She smiled and laid on her bed. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She debated on turning off the lamp or not. She ended turning it off and some how drifted to sleep.
She woke up around 4 in the morning the sun didn't rise until 6. Her heart was beating so fast. She felt like she was being watched. She turned on her lamp and went to check on the window. You could tell it was forced open than shut. She slowly turned around her eyes filled with fear knowing someone was in her room. Once she turned all the way around she let out a sigh of relief.
She closed her eyes and began to pray when she opened her eyes the lamp was off. She could hear heavy feet heading towards her. Than it happen the man pushed her against the wall holding her wrists tightly above her head. She winced in pain making the man smile.
"Remember me sweetheart?" The man asked getting up in her face.
"Y-you're hurting me." She stuttered closing her eyes shut. He laughed at her pain. Hyo opened her eyes and stared directly at him with confidence. Catching him off guard she lift her leg and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.
She tried running to the door but the man grabbed her foot causing her to fall. She tried calling for help but then a hand covered her mouth.
"Remember say anything and your friend gets killed." With that Hyo stopped struggling. The man smirked and sat the girl up.
"I guess you don't remember me than. Well I'm Moku." He said grabbing onto the girls wrists and squeezed knowing they were bruised.
Hyo held in a scream from not only the pain but being in the room with the man that had killed his parents and branded her leaving her with a secret on her back.
"Why are you back?" She managed to ask.
Moku smiled, "Man you've changed. Your more strong but still oh so weak compared to me. Don't get me wrong you're still highly attractive. You look just like your mother."
Hyo glared at him, "Don't avoid the question."
"You should know, oh well. I told you I'd be back for you. I kept you alive all this time and know I can finally put you to use, but not now I want to play with you first." Moku said with a grin on his face.
Hyo stared at him her eyes widen with fear. She just sat there baffled.
"I marketed you for a reason princess but I will give you some time." He took pleasure in the girls fear. He leaned down a kissed her cheek. Causing her to crawl backwards.
"Bye bye princess." And with that he was gone.
Hyo sat there and looked at her wrist they were bruised with a light purple.
She touched her cheeks feeling tears roll down. She placed her hands on her face and sobbed.
After a while she stood up and dragged herself onto her bed and fell into an uncomfortable sleep.

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