Chapter 5

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Hyo and Ichiro waved goodbye too Rue and Lanz. Something had happened at the castle and they had to rush home.
"Make it home safely!" Hyo said and waved.
"We will see you in 3 days, until then goodbye." Rue waved before the wagon took off.
Hyo turned and gave Ichiro a worried look.
"Don't worry they'll be fine." He said patting her head.
"Just because I'm short doesn't mean you can pat my head like I'm a child."
Ichiro laughed and took her hand, "Come on let's go to the town we can go get your birthday present." Ichiro said excitedly.
"Are you sure it's pretty late the sun should set soon.." Hyo said looking up at the sky.
"Please Hyo live a little, besides one of my presents involves the night." Ichiro said scooping up his girlfriend and
( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
ran into the town.
He took them to a cafe and placed her down at one of the tables.
"Hello Ichiro are you here to pick up that cake?" The cashier asked he was around his 30s.
"Yup! Thanks for holding it for me." He said grabbing the cake and placed it down on the table.
"We can eat this now or after we eat it's your choice." Hyo looked up from the menu, "Let's order first." She smiled sitting back already knowing what she wanted.
A waitress soon showed up right on the dot, "Hi are you two ready to order?" She asked.
"We are." Ichiro and Hyo said at the same time making them blush.
"Okay let's start off with drinks."
"I'll have the strawberry lemonade, and he would like a root beer with extra ice." Hyo said smirking at Ichiro.
Ichiro wheezed, "You know me so well.!" He even started tearing up.
The waitress finished writing it down and looked at the two,
"And for the food?"
"I'll have the pancakes please." Ichiro said glad Hyo didn't guess what he wanted.
"I'll have the chicken Alfredo." Hyo looked at Ichiro.
"Coming right up." And with that she was gone.
"Pancakes for dinner huh?"
"I'm craving sweet things but guessing my drink! What are you a wizard!" Ichiro faked a gasp and smiled at Hyo.
"No it's because you order the same drink where ever we go, and I would be a psychic not a wizard you dork." She said leaning in and flicking his forehead.
The two laughed but was cut off by a cough.
The waitress stood there with their food and drinks her eye twitching.
"Sorry ma'am." Hyo apologized for the both of them.
The waitress placed everything down and scurried away.
The two giggled before they started to eat.
They ate in a comfortable silence. Ichiro finished first and stared at Hyo trying to get under her skin. Hyo stared right back eating leaving him blushing.
Hyo finished her meal and the two left after paying for dinner. Walking with the cake Ichiro led Hyo to their secret hang out where they used to play. It was a secret way onto the top of the castle. Once the two made it to the top the sun was setting. There was a blanket laying out for them. The two sat down and Ichiro pulled two plates out and some silverware. He began cutting the cake, "Hey Hyo does it turn you on when I cut this cake." She laughed looking up at the night sky.
"Sure if it makes you happy."
Ichiro blushed and handed her a piece of carrot cake.
"Thanks Ichiro.." She paused, "I'm sorry for bringing you into my mess. I know I shouldn't have let this happen. I just didn't want you to get hurt and now I don't know what will happen." Hyo sighed.
"It's fine just know I'll take all the bullets in the world for you."
Hyo smiled and the two silently sat finishing off their cakes.
Hyo yawned and leaned on Ichiro's shoulder looking at the breathtaking sight of the yellow kingdom.
"Let's go to bed princess." Ichiro said standing than helping Hyo stand. Hyo tried keeping her eyes open but failed.

Ichiro was internally screaming she looked so cute.
Ichiro lifted Hyo up and carried her back inside. He made it to where their two rooms were.
Ichiro's bed was much more comfortable than the guest bedroom.
He called a maid and have Hyo to her. He told her to dress her into her pajamas.
He sat in his room thinking about letting her sleep in his bed. He blushed seeing the maid leave the guest room.
He got dressed in pajama shorts but no shirt it was uncomfortable wearing shirts while you sleep.
He hurried into the guest room seeing Hyo laid on the bed.
He tipped toed over and lifted her up gently he left the room.
He closed his bedroom door and placed her on his bed.
He laid next to her blushing his brown hair a mess. He was lost in thought, "This isn't bad we are dating and all we're doing is sleeping. Yea definitely." He looked at Hyo who was facing him. She looked so cute while she slept.
"Man am I lucky." He thought turning off the light and got comfortable. He felt arms wrap around his waist and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around her holding her into his chest.

"Good night."

Hyo woke up to the sun shining through the window. She tried to stretch but something was holding her down.
She looked up to see Ichiro sleeping peacefully. She looked away blushing like a mad man.
Ichiro placed his hand on her face surprising her. He wouldn't move his hand so she took precautions.
She bit his thumb causing him to wake up screeching.
He flew off his bed and landed with a thump on the floor.
"Why'd you do that for!" He asked sucking on his thumb.
"Y-you wouldn't let go!" Hyo said looking away blushing.
Ichiro sat flabbergasted, "You didn't have to bite me!" He yelled.
"Well I'm sorry!" Hyo yelled back.
Ichiro looked at her he looked so hurt.
"You didn't have to yell at me.." He said lookin away tearing up.
"AAa! Don't cry!" Hyo said crawling to the edge of the bed.
Ichiro smirked grabbing Hyo's arm dragging her down with him.
"Pay back." Hyo was about to argue but
someone suddenly opened the door.
"Prince it's time to get up.." The maid who was in her forties was startled to see a pile of limbs.
"AHHHHH!!" Ichiro yelled with embarrassment.
"I'm sorry for intruding p-prince." The lady said blushing.
"It's not what it looks like." Hyo spoke pulling herself off of him. "I accidentally fell and he tried pulling me up but we both fell."
"Aw you two are so cute! But you don't have to lie every one in the castle knows you are a thing." The maid squealed before hurrying away to spread the news.
Hyo sighed before trudging to the guest room.
Hyo got dressed for the day and decided to talk to Ichiro. She knocked on his door and heard him walk over to the door. He opened the door looking out to see his girlfriend.
"Listen I'm sorry about earlier." Ichiro laughed awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
"It's fine. If you're ready lets go to breakfast. Oh and by the way I'd cuddle with you any day." Hyo stood on her tippy toes and pat his head as if he were a child.
She didn't wait for his response and walked toward the dinning room.
Ichiro blushed and hurried after Hyo.
He sat across from Hyo and the maids gave them breakfast.
"Do you always sit and eat here by yourself?" Hyo asked
"No there are always people that come to visit or my father."
"AAh okay. Oh and thank you for yesterday." Hyo gave him a gentle smile.
"No problem i love spending all my time with you." Ichiro grinned.
"Hey can you show me those kittens?" Hyo asked finishing her food.
"Yea lets go!" Ichiro cheered leading Hyo to the back of the castle and into a room that had a purrfect view of the garden. There sat a gray tabby with beautiful emerald eyes.
She had three little body's laying next to her.
"These two are the girls." Ichiro said pointing to a gray and black kitten with Amber eyes and a calico kitten with one blue eye and one green eye. "Their names are Raven and Pigeon. Then there is this lil boy." He said pointing to a reddish orange and grey kitten with emerald eyes.
"He was tinier then his sisters so I named him squeak. I'm really fond of him so I plan on keeping him." Ichiro said petting Max.
"They're adorable! If you haven't found any homes for the girls I'll take them." Hyo offered.
"Really? That'd be great. You should be able to take them with you in a few weeks."
"I can't stay that long I have to go home." Hyo laughed
"Aw that's too bad than I shall bring them too you."
"I can't wait." Hyo sat down next to Ichiro when the door was suddenly opened by a maid.
"We were noticed that your brothers didn't make it home." The maid spoke urgently breaking the mood.
Hyo stood up and hurried to the maid.
"What do you mean they never made it home!" Hyo asked her eyes filled with fear.
"I'm so sorry.."

To be continued..

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