Chapter 4

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       Hyo woke up around 11 in the evening. She yawned and sat up when there was a knock on her door. She immediately became nervous. "Y-yes?" She called out.
"May I come in?" It was just her butler.
"Of course ." The butler hurried in and saw her still in bed.
"I told you to wake up 3 hours ago. This is not very proper  m'lady." Mr. Crescent said getting out an outfit for the day. He also placed a bag on her desk. He turned to get Hyo up and saw her wrist.
"OH MY HEAVENS!" He exclaimed rushing over and gently grabbing her wrist examining them. They were blackish blue and swollen.
"With these bruises they won't go away for ages! What happened to you last night?" He asked very concerned.
"Please Mr. Crescent keep this a secret! I went out last night and slipped and landed on boulders." Hyo lied.
"If it was that bad you had to lie about it I wont tell a soul but please don't let this happen again." Hyo nodded her head in agreement.
"I'll go get your maids to get you ready for the day be out and in the kitchen for brunch in thirty minutes." Mr. Crescent said before calling the maids. They got her dolled up in a cream dress and brown dress shoes. Hyo put on her mothers topaz necklace and gloves.
She left her hair wavy so she could make it on time.
She made her way to the kitchen where Rue and Lanz sat eating. Hyo sat down and made it on time. She asked one of the Chiefs for a strawberry and banana smoothie and looked back at her brothers.
"Why are you two eating so late?" She asked.
"I had to finish paper work." Lanz said sipping on his coffee.
"And I had gotten into a book series that was so interesting I couldn't stop." Rue laughed.
Hyo smiled at her brothers.
"But why were you late?" Lanz asked looking her dead in the eye.
"I had a ruff night." Hyo responded taking a sip of the smoothie the chief had just finished.
"By the way a patrol of guards found a sick young man right below your window he said he was jumped." Rue said looking at his sister waiting for her response.
"He's staying in the clinic he should heal soon." Rue finished his meal and left. Lanz gave Hyo a small smile.
"I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you about this but Rue and I are coming with you tomorrow to the yellow kingdom. It's older kid stuff." Lanz said before leaving.
Hyo gave her thanks to the chief and hurried to the clinic. It was a long walk to the clinic but she was determined to talk to Moru.
She made her way down the last hall and opened the clinic door. There in the corner of the room sat Moru sitting and staring at Hyo. "So got jumped by a gang huh?" She said sarcastically.
"They came out from the woods." Moru smirked.
"I'm here to tell you to leave me alone for the next few days." Hyo spoke nervously.
Moru smiled, "Of course your trip will go well. Any way how are your wrists? Did you know bruises get worse before it gets better."
Hyo walked over to the psychopath and punched him square in the face.
"Touch Ichiro I'll murder you."
Moru wasn't fazed by her and blew her a kiss.
"Watch yourself and remember you're mine."
Hyo scoffed and stomped out of the clinic.
She stayed in her room and only came out for dinner. She slept till the next morning with no Moru.
She dressed in a orange dress that went to her knees and had frills. She wore a white flower pattern over shirt and white dress shoes and a orange and white flower crown. Her long auburn hair was wavy.
She smiled grabbed her bag and ran out to the front of the castle skipping breakfast. She had an muffin in her bag anyway.
She jumped into the fancy wagon where Rue And Lanz sat.
"Good morning brothers." Hyo said cheerfully.
"Happy birthday." The two said at the same time. Rue closed the door and the three were on their way to the yellow kingdom. It was a 4 hour long ride so Hyo just stared out the window the mountains that surround the yellow kingdom were beautiful.
She slowly closed her eyes and passed out. Rue and Lanz talked to each other in hushed voices.
Hyo woke up to the wagon pulling up to the castle. She smiled seeing Ichiro and The king waiting for them. The man opened the door and Hyo calmly walked out holding in all her emotions. She want to cry in his shoulder and tell him everything but she just pulled her gloves and jumped into his arms.
"Happy birthday!" Ichiro gleamed with happiness finally being able to see his best friend.
"I missed you so much!" Hyo exclaimed holding onto him tightly.
"First I've seen you like this." Ichiro laughed "Ah but seriously are you okay?" He asked he knew something was wrong. Hyo hesitated before speaking, "I'm fine." Ichiro grabbed her wrists gently causing her to flinch. "Come to think of it didn't you always hate gloves?" Hyo faked a smile. "I like them now.. Hey can we go do something else?" She asked. Ichiro grinned grabbing her hand and lead her into town. "I want you to meet my best friend!" He said excitedly. 'Best friend?' Hyo thought, 'I thought we were best friends.' Ichiro led Hyo to a big house and rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" A sweet gentle voice could be heard. There was the sound of the door opening and then there stood a girl. She was taller than Hyo but shorter than Ichiro. She had big blue eyes and short blonde hair. She smelled of honey and looked like an angel.
"Hi I'm Nina what's your name?" She asked,
"Oh- uh um.. I'm Hyo." Seriously you're a princess but can't even introduce yourself right. Hyo was left blushing. She looked up to see Ichiro and Nina in a pretty interesting conversation. She couldn't quite say anything so she slowly backed away.
Hyo was so flustered heading back to the castle alone.
She walked through the front gate and into the castle inside there was the Kings office down the hall which you could see her brothers talking to the king.
She sighed walked up into the guest room which was right next to Ichiro's room. She placed her bag down and scurried into his room. There were photos of him and Lina on the walls but on his desk was a framed photo of him and his family. Disappointed she
Left his room. She sat on the bed in the guest room. She placed her head on her knees her wrist ached but she couldn't do anything she couldn't even cry.
"Why was I so hurt when i went in there. Whhyy." She mumbled.
She wanted to see Ichiro to escape from her problems. At least she didn't have to face with Moku anymore. She started crying not because she wanted to but because her chest hurt. It felt like her insides were on fire. She let out a cry of pain and past out on the floor.
Her body was sprawled out on the floor and there was a puddle of blood from her mouth.

Ichiro laughed at what Nina said and turned to see if Hyo was okay she was quiet. Too quiet. He saw no one next to him.
"Hyo? Where is she?"
"Your friend left around two hours ago." Nina said "Don't worry about her come on with me to my room we can play those games i wanted to teach you." She added a wink at the end.
Ichiro blushed lightly and shook his head.
"I got to find Hyo she could've went back to the castle. It is her birthday and I spent half of it with someone she barely knows." Ichiro panicked running back to the castle several people greeted him but he was gone in a flash. He threw open the guest rooms door to find Hyo almost dead looking. He wiped away the blood on her mouth. He began pushing on Hyo's chest trying to get her heart beat back on track. Hyo's eyes flickered open and she moaned in pain.
She sat up and started rubbing her wrists.
"You're not okay Hyo you lier." Ichiro mumbled tears streaming down his cheeks. Hyo hugged Ichiro but he pulled away. "I have a question. Tell me what's wrong.." Hyo took a deep breath, "When you said Nina was your best friend it really hurt.. A-and then this. When I was little I would always have chest pains and would throw up blood. It stopped suddenly when I turned 7. I'm sorry Ichiro but I-I really like you and I was jealous.."
"It's okay I'm sorry I got distracted from your birthday I called her my best friend meaning she was the best out of all my friends. But you are my special bean and I love you but tell me what happened to you? You're upset and I can tell." He said.
She sighed ," The day before yesterday I got your letter and was walking down the hall. I saw a face appear and disappear it was smiling. I went back to my room to see my bed had been slept in and my window was open I went to shut it but some man tried pulling me out i pushed him he fell I locked my window and went to my desk and found an envelope it had photos of me and a note that said you're mine. But the worst thing is that it had a photo of you and on the back it said if I tell anyone about him he would kill you so I never said anything. I some how fell asleep but woke up to check the window it was broken and shut. I began to pray but he turned off the lamp.
He pinned me up to t-the wall and did this.." She stuttered pulling off the gloves.
Her wrists felt good being freed from the itchy gloves. Her wrist were green and blackish blue.
"Hey look at least they're getting better." Hyo said with a small smile.
Ichiro was at a lost for words.
"Hyo.." Ichiro pulled Hyo into a hug.
"But the worst of all Ichiro is that he kissed me." Hyo whimpered.
The two held each other afraid to let go.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Words 1807

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