Chapter 10

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From then on we have to meet with Brendon after work, and it kind of acts as a reminder that he really does like being with us.

Sometimes we go to the beach, sometimes the indoor arcade, the pier, the rides, the go-kart track, and I find it ironic that half the money I get paid ends up going back to this whole complex anyway.

Occasionally Brendon will bring his friend Dallon from the waltzers, and I laugh when Ryan blushes during being introduced to the tall guy. He seems pretty chill, and I notice how he manages to keep Brendon from going over the edge.

I feel bad lying to him, but I tell Brendon I can't stay out longer than 6pm, because "that's when I have to go home and take my meds", but it's because my sister comes home at 6.30, and she'll beat me black and blue if she finds out I haven't been coming straight home from work. My mother comes home at 7.30, so I only have to endure about an hour of it - my sister wouldn't dare touch me while my mom's there.

Today it's heavily raining for the first time in a while, so we decide to go to the arcade. I text Brendon we're on our way as we close up shop, and a few minutes later Ryan and I have managed to semi-sprint to the waltzers even in the midst of the torrential downpour.

I get under Brendon's umbrella as we make our way to the west of the fairground, where the arcade is, and watch Ryan grumble at his hair getting wet, Dallon laughing at him from behind. Brendon, Ryan and I are running, but Dallon's leverage gives him an advantage and he only has to jog. It's times like this I wish I had long legs.

We make it eventually, and I dart inside towards the bright lights as Brendon puts the umbrella down, and I try to concentrate when he walks in, water dripping off him as he runs his hands through his wet hair, his now see-through shirt lifting up slightly as he does so, exposing the tanned skin beneath.

He grins when he sees where my eyes have wandered, and decides to tease me.
"Like what you see?" He asks, and I feel myself flushing red under his gaze.

"Shut up," I mumble, trying not to smile as I see him enjoying my embarrassment. "Where are Dallon and Ryan," I say, more of a thought than a question. I spot them heading towards the various game machines and begin to approach them when I feel two strong arms wrap themselves around my torso. Brendon.

A stand of his wet hair brushes against my cheek as he leans his head forward, lips next to my ear.
"Why do we have to go with them all the time? Come on, there's something I wanna show you..." He says, and I let him lead me away, my curiosity getting the better of me.

He leads me through the endless maze of machines and people, it seems that other people had the same idea as us on a rainy day, as it's way more busy than it usually is. Holding my hand tightly to make sure he doesn't lose me in the crowd, we eventually end up at a pair of royal blue velvet curtains, two security guards planted at the entrance, a clear sign prominent on the wall: 'no under 18s in the casino' - well, I'm guessing this is a casino, then.

'Uh, Brendon, it says no under 18s. You're 17 and I'm 16, in case you've forgotten," I whisper in his ear, and he laughs it off as if I'm a naïve child. Maybe I am, compared to him. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it, okay, doll?" He says, and I wonder how his voice can manage to take me away from the situation, and soothe me. It's so deep, it sounds like hot syrup over a stack of fresh pancakes...
Whoa, Aspyn. Pull yourself together.

"Hey, Tony! Max! Long time no see," He says, greeting the security guards like old friends, and, to my utmost surprise, they're the same back.

"You're right, Urie. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about that old dream of yours," the guard on the left laughs, who Brendon had addressed as 'Tony'. After a few minutes of catching up and introductions they let us through, and the first thing that catches my eye is the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling, then the vastness of the room.

However, Brendon leads me up a staircase instead of towards the endless poker tables and games of roulette, and we stand over the balcony that connects the two golden staircases on each side of the room.

"Dude, explain," is the first thing that comes out of my mouth, and he lets out a laugh.

"Okay, okay. You know how I managed to not get fired, even after skiving off work to come see you and Ryan... yeah, well, my dad kinda owns this casino and his mate runs the fairground. I got a job in the fairground, his friend's son got a job in the casino. A trade, if you will. I get free access to come here whenever I want, the staff treat me like family... the only person that doesn't is my dad." He explains, looking away from my eyes when he says the last part.

"So they just let you play here whenever you want?" I ask, looking out onto the scene of people risking everything in the name of a game, old men dressed in black tuxedos and women about twenty years younger in slinky slit-dresses.

"No, no, I can't play. They know I won't play... I just like to look at it all. The lights. The atmosphere. Reminds me of my old home. Reminds me of Vegas." He says, and I can see his thoughts wandering further and further.

"You used to live in Vegas?"

"Sure did. Dad ran the biggest casino there... but then mom died. And we had to move. He just changed all of a sudden, said he didn't want a son, and I had to either start paying up or leave... Sorry, I said too much, I didn't mean to bother you with all this," he says, and I hear the break in his voice when he tells me.

"Brendon, I am so sorry," I say, hugging him too tightly, as if he might just slip away if I let go. "...and don't say sorry, I'm glad you're telling me all this, okay?" I assure him, looking into his eyes as I do so. He just hugs me back in response, and I can feel him trying to hold back tears that have been held for who knows how long. Maybe he's not as perfect as I thought. Maybe he's just as broken as I am.

--- Brendon's P.O.V ---

I don't really know what to say or do, I just hug her back and I can feel my eyes watering, but I don't let it release. The only person who knows any of this is Dallon, and I've still never shed a tear in front of him. It's like Dad tells me every day, crying is for the weak.

After we break apart, the atmosphere feels warmer somehow, and she rests her head on my shoulder as I tell her how I wanted to be the casino owner when I was a kid, and how I would rearrange the room if it was mine to do so.

I forget that time exists and that it's slowly slipping away, until she looks at her watch and I see the look of sheer panic that strikes her face.

"I-It's 7.00, I gotta go, I'm so sorry Bren," she says, and she begins to run off before I grab her hand.

"It's okay, chill, I'm sure an hour won't make that much of a difference," I say, wondering what these meds are and why they're such a big deal, but there's something in my mind telling me that she's hiding something, despite the fact that I just poured my heart out to her.

She continues to run, even though I still have ahold of her jacket, and I pull it off by accident.

It's only off for a second before she pulls it on and runs away, but it's enough for me to see it all.

The cuts, the bruises, the red marks.

Then I realise maybe she's not as perfect as I thought. Maybe she's just as broken as I am.

A/N: thanks for reading, I love every single one of you, and I mean that. It literally warms my heart when I see a vote or read a comment on this story 💕

Love In The Middle Of A Firefight - Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now