Chapter 15

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It's nothing out of the ordinary when I get to work and Aspyn's not there, I'm usually there before her anyway. She used to be late all the time, now not so much after we've met Brendon, but I still brush it off when she doesn't show up, and assume she's either slept in because of last night, or - worst case scenario - her sister caught her and now she's had to recover from whatever punishment she recieved for it.

It's strange going through the whole day without her, but mostly just boring, as we get absolutely no customers due to the torrential downpour outside. I call Dallon and, as expected, the rides are all closed thanks to the intensity of the weather. I tell him to come visit, and he agrees, telling me he'll bring Brendon too, to which I sigh. I mean, don't get me wrong, Brendon is great - I just wanted some time alone with Dallon.

Dallon greets me with a warm smile as he walks through the door, Brendon trudging behind him. I can tell he didn't want to come after hearing that Aspyn hasn't made an appearance, and I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to third wheel either.

The three of us talk for a while about random things, TV shows, music and whatnot... the atmosphere just seems slightly awkward, and I miss Aspyn's sarcasm and bright personality that'd ease the tension if she were here. After some more time has passed along with a few forced laughs and uncomfortable glances, Brendon excuses himself to 'use the bathroom', and heads into the back, and I can't help feeling slightly bad due to obvious reasons, but I'm thankful he took the hint. Finally, Dallon to myself.


I mean, could they have made it any more obvious they clearly didn't want me there? I mean, I get it, of course I do - but I would've much rather just stayed home than go through hardcore third-wheeling.  I excuse myself, but I don't really see the point in it, as they both know I'm just letting them have their privacy.

I don't know why I'm being so bitter all of a sudden, they're entitled to their time alone, of course. It's as if without Aspyn here all the positivity and light from my personality has either been drained out of me or turned sour.

When I get to the back storeroom, I sit on the small bench and put my feet up on the stacks of boxes labelled 'Spencer's Sweet Syrup!' as I take out my earphones; listening to the heaviest track I have, turning it up to max and slipping away for a few seconds... at least if I end up deaf I won't have to listen to one of Dallon's forced laughs again.

The only light in the room is coming from the ajar door - I hadn't bothered to turn the light on -, and I find my eyes scanning over everything caught in the luminescence, before landing on a stack of files. 'Employee Data'. I take out one of my earphones and sit up, heading over to the bright yellow folder and placing it on my lap. It smells of damp slightly, and is pretty tattered, but I still find myself opening it and heading straight past the Employee Agreements and Data Protection Laws to the 'A' tab, right at the front, and then 'Ac' for 'Ackles'.

As expected, there is her profile, along with her passport photo and CV. I skim over the basic information, raising my eyebrow at the number of jobs she's actually had, impressed with her experience. I spend a good few minutes just looking at her passport photo, you can see she's been told not to smile and yet there's the hint of a smirk creeping in at the curl of her lips, her unruly hair falling in front of her face even though you can tell she's tried to neaten herself up. I grin to myself at the thought of her, and wonder what she's doing right this second.

I had been confused when I heard she wasn't turning up, but then I remembered last night and I don't blame her for wanting to stay home and sleep in. Still, it's strange she hadn't mentioned anything, she usually texts me even when there's nothing wrong. I had texted her this morning and about an hour ago, but she still hadn't seen it yet. Maybe her sister had taken her phone off of her?

I think about it in more depth, remembering everything Aspyn had told me last night, and realising that this wasn't something she'd do - whether she's tired or not, ill or not, she'd still rather spend her day here at the shop with us, than at home with them. I know her well enough to know that. And there's no way she wouldn't have texted me or Ryan about it... something doesnt add up.

I consider ringing the Emergency Contact Number listed in her details - which I assume is her home phone - before I'm interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing twice to indicate people coming in, but followed by raised voices. I jump up in curiosity, and as I approach the front I catch 'has she shown up' and 'since this morning' from the conversation happening between Ryan and a very shrill-sounding woman.

I step through the doorway to the front, and I know who it is as soon as I see her. She has Aspyn's eyes. Forgetting the whole situation, something inside me boils and I feel the urge to go and give her a piece of my mind, before I reason with myself and remember Aspyn's mother has no idea about everything thats happening to her. I'm thankful her sister isn't there with her mother. I really would've gone and given her a taste of her own medicine.

I see panic written across Ryan's expression, Dallon's wracked with concern, and the woman's eyes are clouded over with worry. I feel like I already know what's going on, and yet I don't want to believe it until it's been confirmed.

"Uhh... what's going on guys?" I ask, and I feel my heart beating faster, beads of sweat beginning to form on my brow. I don't wanna hear it. Ryan looks over at Dallon, exchanging thoughts, before turning to face me while staring at the floor, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Aspyn's missing."


A/N: It was 1am. I watched four episodes of Supernatural. For some reason my brain thought it was 2:15?? It turns out that its 4:20am (lmao blaze it). hOw does this happen to me smh

P.S. BMTH - Throne. Yes. Just yes.

Love In The Middle Of A Firefight - Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now