Red and Green (Ben 10 Omniverse)

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Run, that's all that was on Ben's mind. His legs pumped as he shot through Undertown, his eyes wide. A large green wolf, charged after him, it's tongue lolling, teeth yellow, and yellow eyes blazing. Ben once again tried his omnitrix, but for some reason it wouldn't work. The wolf started to pass him, it's eyes brightened, it was closing in on it's prey. Ben tried to dodge it but it followed him wherever he went. The wolf then jumped in front of him and clamped it's jaws around his waist and arm, Ben winced as blood spurted from it's teeth. The wolf then changed direction and started towards a tunnel at the end of Undertown.

          "Are we there yet?" Ben whined for the tenth time, the wolf rolled it's slitted eyes again. Ben smiled, his not-well-thought-out plan was working. He was going annoy it until it snapped. So once again he said "Are we there yet?" the wolf growled, and slobbered on Ben, who was still clamped in it's jaws, "Ew! Gross!" He yelled out, his shirt covered in green slobber. The wolf then went into a large room. A chair was in the middle and there was someone in it. "Welcome, Tennyson. I've been waiting for you..." Ben kicked the wolf and jumped out of it's mouth, then he thought, 'I should of just done that a few hours ago...' then he said out aloud "Y'know, I've heard that line so many times, it doesn't mean anything anymore..." then the chair turned around and Ben gasped "Albedo?!"


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