|| seven ||

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Saturday, May 17 2016

9:15 am

Richard has offered to pick her up from her flat, which she refuses because she doesn't want Phil to see and it might start another argument between them. They still haven't sorted out their rift last night.

And because of their unresolved argument, Maine wears a scowl on her face when she gets out of the taxi but she simply takes a deep breath and lets out all her worries for the day. The Faulkersons live in a semi-detached house along Mayfair Cross around fifteen minutes away from the school. A car is parked outside the house, which she recognizes belongs to Richard.

Before she gets the chance to knock, Richard swings the door open looking like he has been waiting for her all day; he also looks relieved. He is carrying baby Ellie with a bottle of milk attached to her mouth.

"Hi! Good morning!" She greets,

"Good morning, Miss Maine!" He greets back, stepping aside so she can come in the house.

Maine does so while looking around, the house looks a little messy and it's obvious that Richard hasn't found the time to clean up just yet. She notices that the pictures of Henry and Ellie's parents are still on display. The children's toys are everywhere too.

"Miss Maine!" Henry runs to her and hugs her skinny legs. Maine giggles and kneels down to her level.

"Hi Henry how are you?"

"You're in my house!" Henry states, looking very pleased to see her. She gives him a warm hug.

"Yes, I'm here to help your uncle Richard with you guys," her voice is so sweet.

"Are you going to live here with us?" Henry's voice is so sweet and innocent.

She shakes his head, "No, no. I'll only be here until the afternoon," He nods.

Richard clears his throat, "Miss Maine, would you like a cup of tea?"

"Yes please, two sugars."

Richard nods and disappears to the kitchen. Maine soon follows with Henry tagging along behind her, trying his best to make her feel accomodated. Which she appreciates, she finds him adorable how he's giving her all of his attention.

Richard has already put the kettle on and then he makes Ellie sits in her high chair. Henry tries to sit on the breakfast stool next to her but since he cannot carry his weight, he's having difficulty. Maine has to suppress a giggle as she helps him up.

"So, umm. Seems like we have a lot to do so let's get started?" Maine looks around the kitchen and sees a stack of unwashed dishes.

"Sure, how do we start?"

"First you need to plan out a routine so you can get everything done," She starts, taking out her bag and getting a pen and paper.

Richard grins, she's good.

"Firstly, you need a timetable. Let's imagine this is a school day so what time do you usually need to be at work?"

"9am," He replies, pouring the hot water on two mugs- one for him, one for her and making her tea. He hands it to her and she thanks him.

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