Chapter 3

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A/N: I did manage to get the third chapter up! Hopefully I can do two or three chapters tomorrow as well. :)

Tessa rushed to the phone and called her mother. Nobody picked up, so she flew to their usual store. She dashed through the aisles and made an announcement over the PA, but her mother and brother weren't there. She went to six stores, searching each and asking for her family over the intercom, but it wasn't until the seventh that she had any luck. She brought them home as fast as she could, explaining along the way. Her mom was mad, but her fear overcame the anger. When they got back, Tessa and her mother put up protection spells and collected all the rings Tessa had and distributed them among themselves. Just as Tessa was sitting down, she got an urgent call from Kaia. "Tessa! So I was listening to music when this wind blew through my room but it was an evil spirit not wind and he said he was going to destroy me and he possessed me but then he decided to take over the world with some potion thingy and he's going to Meliasvene Labs and I know this because since he was possessing me I could read his thoughts-" here she took a deep breath "-and I remember and he wanted to kill me but I dodged his bolt of magic and then I called you." Kaia was panting like she'd just run a marathon.

"Meliasvene Labs?" Tessa repeated.


"Bring all your crystals and meet me there."

. . . . .

Sometimes, Ella hated being the only female potion scientist intern in the building. Sure, there were other women working at Meliasvene Labs, but they all had degrees from Meliasvene Mage Secondary and thought that she was beneath them. All the other interns were males, and everyone stuck her with the horrible jobs. Like cleaning up the possibly radioactive potion that Mike had purposely spilled on the floor. Ella headed to the supply room and got a hazmat suit and container. She used her magic to put the glowing green potion into the container and split the potion into the ingredients. She filed a spillage report, and after she figured out what the potion was supposed to do- make someone grow flippers- she made the potion vanish. Ella was a mediocre mage, but she was excellent at potions. She'd had perfect grades in every subject relating to potions since she started school. Every summer, she'd take a potion to dye the ends of her dark brown hair a different color. When she went to Britain with her parents, before they divorced and she went to live with her dad, instead of wearing contacts she'd made a daily potion that would make her purple eyes brown. Potions that would turn her into someone else, potions that would heal an injury instantly, potions that would enable her to breathe underwater, she loved them all. Most of the time, she loved her job, but when she got cleanup duty seven weeks in a row, she wondered if she should switch to a different lab. Ella put back the hazmat suit and container and sat at a lab table, tinkering with the ingredients on it. Technically, the labs never closed, and she was allowed to make potions- she just also had to do cleanup. Ella walked over to the Potions Needed list- the list that told everyone in the lab which potions needed to be made- and found one that nobody had done yet: a scar-removal potion. Ella studied the ingredients, and after a few minutes, found some that she thought would work. Half an hour later, she finished. Three flasks of purple potion sat on the table. She picked one up and went to the testing simulation. After entering the "scar" program, a scar grew on the fake skin and Ella poured some of the potion on it. A few minutes passed and the scar shrank dramatically. She poured the rest of the potion on it, waited again, and the scar disappeared. She marked the potion as successful on the list and labeled the remaining two bottles with her name, then put them in the Potions Vault.

As she shut the door, something crashed outside the intern room. "Jeez," Ella sighed. She went into the hallway. A vase was smashed with nobody in sight. "Jerk!" she called. As she made the smashed glass pieces disappear, a cold wind blew behind her. She stood up, confused.

Then she was being stabbed all over with knives of ice. She blacked out for a second, and when she regained consciousness, it was like she was looking through a glass wall. She could see everything that she would normally see, but she couldn't control her body. Suddenly, a loud voice reverberated through her mind-space. "This is quite a comfortable body. Now, girl, what would I need to have the power of all the mages in the world?"

Ella started thinking, and her thoughts played in the space in her mind that she was trapped in. Then she realized what she was doing. "I'm not going to tell you."  She started thinking about Britain. The rainy days, the Tube, the London Eye... but it was pointless. In the background, she was running through what the ingredients would be. When she finished contemplating, she tried to keep quiet, but she ended up blurting out how the spirit would end up as powerful as possible. "You would need to keep a connection with me, your host, because the potion needs to be ingested and you can't do that, but you would be able to control me and be insanely powerful. The ingredients are-"

Suddenly, two girls burst in. One was tall, with black hair in a back-length braid and slightly luminescent greenish-gold eyes. The other was a few inches shorter than the first, with white-blond hair in a ponytail and black eyes so dark they looked like pits in her face. In real life, the spirit, in Ella's voice, said, "How can I help you?" The girls looked slightly confused. In Ella's mind-space, however, the spirit hissed, "Hurry up and tell me the ingredients."

Ella tried to stay quiet, but since her thoughts ran through the mind-space as words that the spirit could hear, she ended up saying, "Nonononononono- a cup of powdered diamond to amplify your powers, a drop of the strongest mage's blood to make you have potential for strength, a bit of each of the First Mages' DNA because they are what all mages come from- you can find their bodies in the Meliasvene Crypt- and the final ingredient is five pints of your host's blood."

"This sounds easy. Why has this not been attempted before?"

"Because the margin for error is extremely small, and if you get it wrong, you, the spirit, gets killed. Also, you need to heat the mixture over a volcano."

The exchange happened in an instant, and by the time Ella and the spirit were finished talking, the black-haired girl had a response. "Has anything strange happened here?"

"YES!" Ella screamed in her mind-space. But she couldn't speak out loud, so she screamed as the spirit denied that anything was going on. The black-haired girl was puzzled.

"Well, thanks anyway. Let's go, Tessa," the blond one sighed.

"Coming, Kaia." Tessa and Kaia left and Ella and the spirit got to work. Half an hour later, all the spirit needed was a drop of blood, some DNA, and a volcano.

A/N: As it got to the end, I know it sucked more, but bear with me! I hope you liked it! Vote, comment, share, follow!

-Deepio the Slytherin

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