Chapter 6

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A/N: I'm going to the pool in an hour, so I might not get a third update in today. This is short and bad, but it leads up to the next chapter.

Tessa went outside and stood under the porch roof. Thankfully, the lightning wasn't destroying any houses. It made her extremely glad that she had frozen her family and friends. The enormity of the situation overwhelmed her. She put her head in her hands as a hot tear rolled down her cheek, then furiously wiped it away. She went back to her room and laid on her bed. How can I stop this? she thought. She racked her brains, but couldn't come up with a solution. Now that the spirit was so strong, she had no chance of killing Ella. Tessa went downstairs and turned on the TV. She switched it to a normal network, where the same thing was going on all over the world. It was being classified as a freak of nature. She flipped back to the mage networks. Here, they told the true story- it was the work of a spirit. She groaned and padded over to the kitchen to get a snack. As she was pouring milk into her cereal, a voice boomed outside, making her spill her milk. "Goddamn it." She cleaned up and peered outside after switching the TV to the normals' network. Outside, there was a face imprinted in the clouds- the indistinct features of the spirit. He was talking.

"Your Head Mage is dead. You will save just enough money to survive. Bring the rest to me at the Head Mage's house. I will know if you take extra for yourselves and you will not like the consequences." The message was repeating over and over. Tessa was thankful that none of the normals were receiving the message; she didn't think the mage world could go undiscovered if the spirit decided to broadcast his orders to the normals too. Tessa huffed and went back upstairs. It was now nearly eight at night. Suddenly, all the lights in the house cut out. She looked outside. The only light came from the moon and stars. "Go to sleep," the spirit ordered. "Tomorrow morning you will wake up at six and go to work at eight. Your brats will stay home. You will come home at six at night and go to sleep at eight. If you are in retail, your manager has received instructions that will be relayed to you. This process will repeat every day. Your brats start school on September 1st and they will have the same schedule as you. Do not disobey me."

"What a nut job," Tessa muttered to herself. She grabbed a book to read and suddenly she felt a huge shock race through her body. She dropped the book and picked it up again. Another shock. After a third shock, she got in bed and went to sleep, hating the spirit.

Every time she tried to resist, Tessa got shocked. She would go to work, come home, try to think of a way to stop this mess, and go to sleep. It went on like this for a week before Tessa finally had an idea.

. . . . .

Ella regained consciousness back in her mind-space. "What the hell happened?" she asked.

"Well, your little friend Tessa tried to save you, so I decided to just stay like this. Being a spirit gets really cold," explained the spirit.

"Ugh. I wish I was dead. No, wait, I don't mean that." Ella gritted her teeth. "It's annoying, having my every thought shared with someone."

"I suppose it is. I, however, have had experience with this. I know how to hide my thoughts."

"Teach me!"


"I know you wouldn't, it's an instinctual response."

"Well, somebody's using her big-girl words.

"Shut up. I hate you."

"That's rather mean, don't you think?"

"Get out! I hope Tessa saves me. Oh, shit, why did I think that?"

"Aww, someone is missing their little girlfriend!"

"She's smart. I bet she could kill you. I purposely haven't been thinking of ways to do that."

"How would you kill me?"

"I've learned some tricks of my own."

Ella paced in her mind-space. She was going insane with only the spirit and herself to talk to, and she hated knowing that she had no privacy. Over the next few days, they went back to Meliasvene and the spirit started imposing strict rules and starting day-long thunderstorms over the country. Ella needed to get out.

A/N: Vote, comment, share, follow! Shoutout to @SilverMoonAshes and Tao_Potato134 thanks guys you're great!

-Deepio the Slytherin

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